Wednesday 10 July 2013

KHOODEELAAR! DEFENDING DEMOCRATIC DEMANDS that are overdue for delivery by the "local" Tower Hamlets Council

UPDATER ETHICAL COMMENTARY: State of Undemocray in Britain and the utter untruthfulness of “The Meeja” including the lying behaviour of the BBC bureaucracy behind the Sunday Politics programme - the London segment about Tower Hamlets  Contextually the N'th postImage 




[1450] Hrs GMT



10 July 2013


“Look what you said”

“I actually started filming because of your subject”


John Wright to Muhammad Haque on 26 June 2013 about Muhammad Haque’s Question to the Council that PROMPTED John Wright to start the filming at all:


[See more on the video for the entire statement about the housing mess in Tower Hamlets that John Wright made to me on Wednesday 26 June 2013]


And my SUBJECT that had PROMPTED John Wright to start the filming is, was and remains: the abysmal, the awful housing in Tower Hamlets and the abysmal failure of Tower Hamlets Council to get a grip on the anti-social, unaccountable, illegal and criminal behaviour by so many of the so-called Social Landlord outlets to whom the Council had handed over vast amounts of the Council Housing stock.


That is my subject.

That was my subject in my Question to Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 26 June 2013.

That Question can be found on the Tower Hamlets Council web site at this address

and here, BELOW, is the full text of my QUESTION as contained in the Tower Hamlets Council’s Agenda for 26 June 2013

QUESTIONS Nine questions have been submitted as set out below:-

6.1 Question from Mr Muhammad Haque, Organiser, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in Defence of the Community in the East End of London

What is Tower Hamlets Council’s Constitutionally installed and transparently DEMOCRATICALLY active audit procedure for overseeing the conduct of those bodies especially the ones that have been allowed to take over the control of formerly Council-owned and Council controlled Housing stock in the context of the clear and the express undertaking given by LBTH Council to the Community and parts of the Community in the Borough on the relevant estates affected by the implications of the stock transfer procedures that were put into operation?




KHOODEELAAR! SCOOPS and exposes the following as lying about the filming of the Tower Hamlets Council Meeting on 26 June 2013:


1. The BBC Sunday Politics Programme [the London segment, fronted by Tim Donovan and reported on “Tower Hamlets” by A Cryer] 

2. The Dockland and East London Advertiser

3. The Private Eye magazine - The Rotten Boroughs column, the first item [dated Friday 12 July 2013] and

4. The website which repeats the untruth that John Wright had been “prompted by Eric Pickles’ statement to start the filming in the Tower Hamlets Council Chamber”.


NOT to mention dozens of others...

All of the above outlets have either deliberately lied or have negligently left out the truth about why Tower Hamlets resident John Wright, widely reported to be 71 years old and a disabled person, had BEGUN to film the Tower Hamlets Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 June 2013.


As the KHOODEELAAR! Youtube post shows, John Wright VOLUNTEERS on camera to me that he had ONLY begun to film because of the subject on which I was SPEAKING when he had begun filming...


So it was MY SPEECH and the SUBJECT of it that had sparked him to start the filming.


Wasn’t that significant?


Yet all the above outlets say that it was what Eric Pickles had said that got John Wright to start the filing.


But John Wright did not say that when he made the statement to me on record as I was recording the statement which he was making it to me within literally minuets of the Council Meting being suspended!


Image of John Wright [shown on this post] from my original video report on him which I had filmed on Wednesday 26 June 2013


[The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary on the abysmal, dysfunctional state of Tower Hamlets Borough Council is to be continued]

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