Saturday 13 July 2013

Disastrous state of housing in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets ....

Disastrous state of housing in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets .... The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary on the dearth of Campaigning Journalism in England: UPDATING on the dire state of idiocy and ignorance in the “Fleet Street” and “Westminster” “mainstream” “Meeja” and their surrogates stooges and peripherals about the disastrous state of housing in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets as caused by the “Bliaring-John Prescotting” transfer of Council housing stock to “social [NOT!] landlords” - [N’th UPDATE] 2030 [2014] [1950] Hrs GMT London Saturday 13 July 2013 CONTINUING to update on how STUPIDITY dominates those belonging to the "mainstream" "Meeja" in Britain who "think" they are telling it as it is about Tower Hamlets. For the n'th time, I can confirm that they are lying. John Wright of Shadwell, Tower Hamlets, TOLD ME on film that he was PROMPTED to start filming on 26 June 2013 in the "Tower Hamlets Council Chamber" by my SUBJECT. Housing associations unaccountability to the people living in or trying to live in Council housing stock that Tower Hamlets Council had transferred to "social landlords", that is ;' housing associations. I was on my feet, in the middle of completing my PUBLIC QUESTION to Tower Hamlets Council when john Wright began his filming. When the Chair of the Council, 'Speaker" Lesley Pavitt asked John Wright to stop the filming and then suspended the Meeting for a good 10 minutes or longer, John Wright went out side to, amongst other things, have a cigarette. And he spoke to me as well. On film. I have published that video and reported on what happened many times since. But the "Meeja" keeps repeating the lie that John Wright began the filming because of what Eric Pickles said! He may have known of and been supportive of some of Eric Pickles' statement concerned. But on that occasion, John Wright began the filming because of what I was saying in presenting my Public Question to the “full” session of the Tower Hamlets Council. As I was on my feet, John Wright was sat only two rows behind in the public gallery. So he could see and hear me address the Council’s duties to make the “social landlords”, the housing associations accountable for heir conduct. Here, once again, is the published text of my Question to Tower Hamlets Council [Wednesday 26 June 2013]: [QUESTIONS Nine questions have been submitted as set out below:- 6.1 Question from Mr Muhammad Haque, Organiser, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in Defence of the Community in the East End of London] What is Tower Hamlets Council’s Constitutionally installed and transparently DEMOCRATICALLY active audit procedure for overseeing the conduct of those bodies especially the ones that have been allowed to take over the control of formerly Council-owned and Council controlled Housing stock in the context of the clear and the express undertaking given by LBTH Council to the Community and parts of the Community in the Borough on the relevant estates affected by the implications of the stock transfer procedures that were put into operation? Accessible on this web page: And what I was saying to the Council had a special appeal to John Wright himself, having spent a good eight years struggling to get the truth out if the Council about the disastrous transfer of the Tower Hamlets Council housing stock. [This is all on the video report and the KHOODEELAAR! blog reports and AADHIKAROnline reports and transcript that I have since published online] Here is the UNTRUTHFUL, ignorant and misleading post on the website of one of the Westminster-centric "mainstream" "Meeja" outlets They are as misleading and ignorant as the "others" who they have been citing have been. By the "others" I of course mean those immoral and prejudiced and ignorant elements in and or on the periphery of the “Mainstream Meeja" in and near Fleet Street that claim that they have been reporting the ruth of what happened at Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 26 June 2013 when in fact they have been lying and been doing so to give, as they appear to think they are doing, an evidential basis for further Neo Cons assault on Society. To those lying elements, “Tower Hamlets Council” is “wrong” not because it is exposed in their coverage as doing wring but because of its association with a [or more than one] particular ethnicity or ethnic, nationality or cultural background/s etc. To me, and to John Wright, and to the majority of the people in Tower Hamlets, the Council is wring because whatever the faces ethnically, on the Council sats, the Council is a malfunctioning bureaucracy that is failing to protect the Community against rogue landlord outfits. In fact, John Wright stressed the fact that after the Tower Hamlets Council Housing stock had been transferred, Tower Hamlets Council has failed to “protect the estates” [that is to protect the rights of the people, tenants, residents and families on the housing estates] that Tower Hamlets Council had handed over to the [in Muhammad Haque’s words] rogue landlord outfits mis-called “social landlords”! Here, once again, is the online post of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign video report published by AADHIKAROnline containing John Wright’s ORIGINAL interview with me on 26 June 2013: [To be continued]

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