Friday 7 June 2013

Brick Lane area Park, Allen Gardens under siege from louts as Council caught in vanity expenditure allegations by MP!

Brick Lane area Park, Allen Gardens under siege from louts as Council caught in vanity expenditure allegation by MP

Brick Lane area Park, Allen Gardens under siege from louts as Council caught in vanity expenditure

Brick Lane area: 
Local Park, Allen Gardens under siege from louts as “local” Tower Hamlets Council is once again caught in allegations made by a UK Govt-backing MP accusing Tower Hamlets of indulging in abuse of public money in vanity expenditures

By © Muhammad Haque

Retrieved by AADHIKAROnline at 0430 GMT on Friday 07 June 2013 from the following web site

Spitalfields residents ‘barricaded in homes’ as boozy revellers descend on parks for weekend parties

 Canisters from legal highs in Allen Gardens after crowds took the park Robin de Peyer Tuesday, June 4, 2013 
11:55 AM

Thousands of rowdy revellers using legal highs and downing booze in parks are leaving residents under siege in their homes.

Litter strewn across Allen Gardens, Spitalfields

Just weeks after authorities announced a “dispersal zone” to tackle anti-social behaviour, people are too scared to venture outside their front doors as youths party in green spaces, leaving a trail of urine and smashed bottles.

Speaking after thousands of revellers descended on Allen Gardens in Spitalfields this weekend, a resident of nearby Woodseer Street, who did not wish to be named, said: “People were drinking, taking drugs, and using the street as a toilet.

“I felt scared to go out, and I’m 6ft 4in. I knew it would lead to confrontation, so I chose to stay barricaded in my home.”

Others reported glass bottles being lobbed into gardens, and drumming until 2am. One woman was sitting in her greenhouse when a “missile” shattered the roof above her head, showering her with glass.

 Broken glass in Allen Gardens after the weekend's antics Residents said police presence had decreased in recent weeks, despite the new “dispersal zone” introduced by the Met and Tower Hamlets Council in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour last month.
The park is in the middle of the targeted area – but was described by locals as a “lawless zone”. Empty gas canisters from legal highs and shards of broken glass were strewn across the field on Monday morning. An actress, who lives in Buxton Street said people go to Allen Gardens after clubs in nearby Brick Lane stop serving.
“Everyone’s raving all night and swallowing massive amounts of drugs, and they come here instead of going home,” she said. “I am so stressed and scared. I’m not against the culture, but you have got to have some respect.” A Tower Hamlets Police spokesman said they are “fully aware” of the disorder in the area, and said additional officers were being deployed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. A council spokeswoman added:
“Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers have been tasked to patrol this area to address street drinking and anti-social behaviour, and we would expect to see results from this during June.”    

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