Saturday 4 May 2013

Toxic Big Biz 'Blacklisting' attack on trade unionists. No to Vince Cable complicity, Crass role!

Toxic Big Biz 'Blacklisting' attack on trade unionists. No to Vince Cable complicity, Crass role!

Toxic Big Biz 'Blacklisting' attack on trade unionists. No to Vince  Cable complicity, Crass role!
The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: 
The Big Biz profiteers and looters’ latest lies for driving the East End people out of their homes, out of their communities, under the multiple lure of “property prices” along the “Crossrail route” 
[N’th edition]

 1250 Hrs GMT London Saturday 04 May 2013 

CRASS role for Big Biz agenda s fronted via the catchword "Crossrail" is exposed in the latest plug for the crooked Rich as carried by the Daily Neo Cons Telegraph web site [below].
 The people, according to this plug, one of dozens pouring out in the past few days, who will profit most are the ones who have been picking dosh from whatever corrupt practices and they will be descending on areas like Whitechapel [where CRASS role players are overdoing the hype for a "Crossrail" station and even a sub-hub] and SPECULATE and BUY the ordinary local people out of their home, out of their community...

KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! And the corrupt plug, carried on the "EAST END LIES" [the PROPAGANDA outlet peddling the agenda of the controlling clique in the Tower Hamlets Council] and their assortment of scriptwriters who exercise the key relevant control on what is uttered in the name of the “Borough of Tower Hamlets Council” has been ignoring the truth. 

What is the truth about “Crossrail” carrying the Big Biz agenda over the East End of London? The truth is just as acute as the truth about the 2012 Games hosting. It was NOT for the local people. 

The “property prices” “bonanza” that the Neo Cons Daily Telegraphs is peddling will benefit those who have the money and will drive out of the area the people whose homes, whose community has been the East End. 

But Tower Hamlets, the “local” Council has not heard of this at all! It has sucked into the lies of Big Business and has been retailing those lies now for weeks. 

And it has allowed the Big Biz lies to be distributed prominently as a “benefit” for the people who are being actually robbed, being further de;roved by the Big Biz agenda operated via the Crossrail hype!

 [To be continued]

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