Friday 3 May 2013

Myra Garrett talks about Kay Jordan: May Day Matters Indeed!

The ©  Muhammad Haque East End of London Daily:

Myra Garrett talks about Kay Jordan: May Day Matters Indeed!

1620 Hrs GMT
03 May 2013

I saw Myra Garrett by chance as I waited for a bus on Wednesday.

Quite unprompted, she said:

 "We all miss Kay"

Myra there is of course talking about the ABSENT Kay!

Then she added:  "Something happened...”

Kay is Kay Jordan and Myra has known Kay as one of the most principled women ever to be seen working for the community in the East End of London.

We spoke briefly, Myra and I, but the feelings have been revived, again.

As they will continue to be forever!

Something happened!

Kay Jordan!

Community Architect.

Community matters.

Kay Matters.

May Day matters.

Wednesday 01 May 2013 May Day.

What a day to hear Myra Garrett say what she said of Kay!

[To be continued]

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