Saturday 20 April 2013

Big Business agenda "Crossrail jobs" lies resumed via Tower Hamlets Council [4]

Big Business agenda "Crossrail jobs" lies resumed via Tower Hamlets Council [4]

Big Business agenda "Crossrail jobs" lies resumed via Tower Hamlets Council [4]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Economics and Environmental and Democratic Accountability Commentary:

Abysmal state of dysfunction, ignorance and the betrayal of the local Community by the Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling clique which has reverted to openly peddling the lies for Big Business via the word “Crossrail” as it had done seven years ago [1]

2100 Hrs GMT London Saturday 20 Aril 2013

October 2007 to 20 April 2013.
How many years is that?
SIX years.
Of course!
But it could easily be SIXTY years.
Sixty years?
Isn’t that stretching the imagery a bit too far?
Not at all, if the imagery is being devised about the Big Business Agenda AS fronted via “Crossrail”.

Because it was as part of the untruths peddled via Ken Livingstone’s “Undone Mayor” [that too is a KHOODEELAAR! devised phrase to depict Ken Livingstone in the correct contest of his role whilst still in that Onion - a word that KHOODEELAAR! had coined for that building YEARS before Boris Johnson was even heard of in that context at all] hat they had released a wanton lie and untruth and had claimed that “CROSSRAIL was worth the public costs because it would being so many £Billions INTO the Economy in the NEXT SIXTY years” [or a temporal stretch and economic "period" near to 60 years!].

Now any rational person would see that that was stupid beyond condemnation.
How can the “GDP” be predicted for even the next ONE year, let alone for the next SIXTY years? Especially after the evidence has at last been admitted of large scale lying and fakery by the entirety of the country’s Financial “institutions” and by the “Banks” including the “financial regulators”, themselves and by the UK Department called the Treasury, and the MPs themselves......!

All of those “hitherto” [to the brainwashed] hallowed “Authority-Entities” have been exposed by the overwhelming weights of their own corruption, dishonesty, fraudulence and crimes!

So the SIXTY years ....of that we have used as an image is to illustrate the incredible emptiness in the Tower Hamlets Council Chamber, as witnessed on Wednesday 17 April 2013.

There was no debate.
No audit
No holding to account of anybody on behalf of the people of Tower Hamlets
Only crass, contaminated exchanges aimed by each bunch at the other, across the so-called “opposed” “benches” of “Councillors”!

There was no political discourse, least of all any ethics or morality on behalf of the affected, the outraged. the really actually unglamorously dispossessed people and families across the Borough who were being targeted by the CONDEM assault on Society

No atmosphere in the “Council Chamber” of the “London Borough of Tower Hamlets” therefore to even theoretically expect an uptodate in-depth exposition by any side on the dire, deeply worrying, unjustified, undemocratic, treacherous and cruel and uncaring and indifferent and contemptuous state of the failures by “the elected Tower Hamlets Council” to speak up, to challenge the assault by the CONDEM Collusion.

If, in that situation and in that environment, a bid is made for a Chunk of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets by an agency operating as a front for any of the Big Biz outfits and conglomerates that are notionally required to get the [“planning”] “approval of the local Council” then the likelihood is that the bid would succeed.

If it is “rejected” at first or at a later “repeat application” that event must NEVER be treated as a genuine rejection by the Council at all.

Such rejections constitute the TACTICAL parades, the haggling for the “bribe” to the “Council” by the DEGENERATORS, misleadingly referred to by the “mainstreams” in Britain as “developers”.

In the years SINCE October 2007, a very long list of DEGENERATOR plans has been approved by the Tower Hamlets Council.

So much so that the Council bureaucracy is now referring to Crossrail without any hesitation, qualification, let alone and reservation at all!

Exactly what WE SAID ten years ago, in December 2003 when the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign was conceived of in this form by myself and Kay Jordan as we walked to the Bishopsgate Bus terminal one evening when Kay was going to catch a bus home to the Kentish Town area.

Four years after the KHOODEELAAR! campaign had been active, in October 2007, I wrote a diagnostic pice for publication in the then “East London Advertiser”.

The “East London IDIOTISER” failed to honour its “then” promise and so the piece was not published.
What, however, remains valid is the accuracy of the analysis [that I had written in October 2007] that must be applied to the role being played by the Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling clique of paid post-holders today, in April 2013.

That role is to LET the BIG BUSINESS agenda INTO the East End and let Bg Biz take over the East End land and dispossess the people, the community out of here.

EXACTLY as they had ATTEMPTED to do via the front Of their agenda disguised as “Crossrail” and its “benefits”.

So grossly ignorant is the Tower hamlets Council’s controlling bureaucracy now that it has uttered abysmally idiotic plug words “for Crossrail” within DAYS of the huge piece of admission PUBLISHED by the UK’s LARGEST CIRCULATED "popular" daily the SUN of Crossrail’s JOBS for local people lies!!!!

[To be continued]

Against this diagnostic and evidential UPDATER, I publish BELOW the temporally edited version of my piece that the then “East London ADVERTISER” had REQUESTED but failed to publish in October 2007.

KHOODEELAAR! defends the community in the East End of London against the Crossrail hole attacks.

This defence also entails campaigning against the deliberate misrepresentation by the institutions like Tower Hamlets council that are supposed to speak for and to protect the community in the area.
I say that because during the last four years of our campaign we have repeatedly experienced such misrepresentation-and we expect it to continue.
We have found that the Council has been controlled in such a way, and by such unrepresentative elements, that it has been made into a puppet and a conduit for hugely damaging attacks on the entire East End.
It is in this context that we must examine what I believe are streams of diversionary and divisive activities that have been used by the Council's "controlling clique".
Take the recent ignorant exclusion of some elected councillors from having any say at all on council policy-making simply because they were not Bangladeshi: that was diabolically hostile and treacherous behaviour which ADDED to racial disharmony, not reduced it.
That act merely proves the Khoodeelaar! point that Tower Hamlets Council is being mis-led by a clique that has no understanding of its duties.
And this is exactly what we have found in relation to the role of the clique in surrendering the rights, interests and safety of the local community to the commands of 'Big Business' who pretend to be the 'bringer of benefits' to the East End.
The Council clique has said Crossrail will bring benefits to regenerate the area. In fact, we have found they will deprive the area and degenerate it even further.
They have said that they will negotiate with Crossrail promoters to minimise the impact of the disruptions that Crossrail will cause to the area.
Actually, we have found that they are-and have been-colluding with Crossrail to cause the main disruptions, dislocations and devastations to the area.
The proposed new station at Whitechapel and the knock-on effect that creates would not have happened without council complicity.
They have said that they are working with the community.

However, we believe they have been actively seeking to wreck the community and to disenfranchise it even further.
Now it appears that they are no longer even pretending to defend the area against attacks, which include the destruction of streets for the building of huge ventilation shafts.
In response to my question posed at the full council meeting on September 11, in which I asked why they had failed to answer 800 questions posed by us since January 2004, they made that plain.
In the last paragraph of their 'answer' they don't hide the fact that they have surrendered the council to the dictates of Crossrail by saying:

"Ultimately, the council must respect Crossrail's overarching duty to have regard to...the health and safety of Crossrail passengers and workers which will dictate the location of such shafts."

That one paragraph gave the game away! No mention in there of the say or the right or the welfare of the local people in Tower Hamlets.
"Overarching" indeed!
This could only come from collusion relationship, not from a dignified, democratic representational relationship.
It has been almost four years since we started to say the [Tower Hamlets] Council was acting for Big Business, CrossRail and against the Community in the East End.
At long last the [Tower Hamlets] Council clique have admitted it. [That was a reference to the Clique’s “response” to the then latest formal representation by me in September 2007 of the KHOODEELAAR! Demands for the “ELECTED COUNCIL” to do its job and stop acting as a stooge to Big Business

[DIAGNOSTIC updates, reports and analyses are to be continued in defending the Community in the East End of London against the ploys and the Agenda of Big Biz]     

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