Monday 1 April 2013

Bedroom tax: Diagnosing the multiple fraud by the "Social landlords" [1]

Bedroom tax: Diagnosing the multiple fraud by the "Social landlords" [1]

Bedroom tax: Diagnosing the multiple fraud by the "Social landlords" [1]

1720 Hrs GMT London [‘Bank Holiday’] Monday 01 April 2013.

DIAGNOSING David Orr, the false “Champion” for the rights of the victims of the Neo Conservatives’ bedroom tax assault today:


THIS AADHIKAR Media CONTEXTUAL NEWS images Montage today [‘Bank Holiday’] Monday 01 Aril 2013 contains the latest sources and references around the promotion of "David Orr", the "chief executive" who was featured in the front page splash of the London Guardian-controlled OBSERVER's front page yesterday [Sunday 31 March 2013].

David Orr is seen on the BBC NEWS CHANNEL at lunchtime today being “interviewed” by the semi-informed Joanna Gosling [married to a Neo Conservative Cuts-crusader spin doctor backing the CONDEM Collusion’s onslaught on Society] whose own limitations were made even worse by the caption that the BBC ran underneath David Orr’s name erroneously describing him as the “chief executive” of the “National Housing Association” when the the fact is that his outfit is called “Federation” and has been so called for years.

Neither Orr nor Gosling said anything that added to the sum of the knowledge on the commencement today of the Neo Conservatives’ assault via peoples’ bedrooms.

In fact Orr confessed to having been in close contact with successive UK central Governments for years and years!

That shows that he must have SHARED a lot of information on peoples’ social, financial and sociological conditions with Government bureaucrats who must have been encouraged by Orr’s role.

AS Orr said, he HOPES that the Neo Conservatives [our words, his affiliation!] “universal credit” welfare reform would succeed.

He reckoned that that would be a good thing!

Orr “drew the line”, however, in again faking his “pitch” as if he was fooling the people whose lives had already been made miserable by the attacks on them over the years carried out by the member outfits involved with the “National Housing Federation”.

Orr feigned that the “Bedroom tax” was not the sort of welfare reform that would work!

Unlike OTHER PARTS of the attacks under that offensively false banner!

Orr is not noted for having opposed the transfer of Council housing stock away from local Councils and over to the “social landlords”, the majority of who make up the main membership of Orr’s outfit.

In fact for years and years and years, David Orr has been a central part of the oppressive “housing associations” bureaucracy that has been blocking any move to democratise and make accountable the behaviour of this bloc that plays such crucially antidemocratic and illegal part in exacerbating the housing crisis of those who are nominally housed but are obstructed from exercising the majority of the facilities, benefits and amenities that the ”social landlords” and their colluding counterpart bureaucrats in place as employees of the transferring Councils had promised as parts of the luring PR during the stock transfer “ballot”.

That ballot was a sham.

As bad and as misleading as the front page PR for David Orr on yesterday’s OBSERVER as if Orr gave a toss about the people on whom the Neo Conservatives are inflicting blows after blows by attacking basic universally understood human rights in housing.

[To be continued]

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