Friday 29 March 2013

Getting the Guardian to tell the truth and support the Community in Tower Hamlets!

Getting the Guardian to tell the truth and support the Community in Tower Hamlets!

Getting the Guardian to tell the truth and support the Community in Tower Hamlets!

2138 Hrs GMT London Friday 29 March 2013

PUBLISHED on the Guardian website at 2028 GMT Friday 29 March 2013:

BHANGEELAAR! the Campaign against an Elected Executive Mayor system in Tower Hamlets

2028 Hrs GMT London Friday 29 March 2013

Does the Guardian really care about crime in areas like Tower Hamlets? If so, when did it last report on the criminal activities and the remedies against those?

And what is the message being given by Hugh Muir going OTT on the Guardian website about IT BEING “Endlessly scratchy in Tower Hamlets, east London where there is total war between Labour and the independent mayor Lutfur Rahman”?

If the evidence of the statements - or, on the facts and emphatically the LACK OF THEM - by the “wannabes” now doing their utmost to bag the votes of Labour Party members for next week’s internal Party poll for the selection of the “Tower Hamlets Labour Party candidate” for election as Executive Mayor in 2014 is any guide, then there is not only NO WAR “between Labour and the independent mayor Lutfur Rahman” but also there is no real campaign going on in any mentionable way inside the “Tower Hamlets Labour Party” about holding the CURRENT Tower Hamlets Borough COUNCIL administrations to genuinely democratic and ethical account in the context of the serious and long lasting assaults on the quality of life and the Standard of civic liberty that are underway as part of the consensus between the Ed Miliband Front Bench and the ConDem Collusion

.By all objective criteria and measures, the majority of the formerly understood “Council Services” are being either not delivered or being ill-delivered or mis-delivered or even denied by the various clutches of controlling cliques that collectively make up the Tower Hamlets Council’s bureaucracy.

Neither the elected and mostly officially Opposition councillors nor the others who are backing Lutfur Rahman is there the necessary level of democratic assertion of demands on the cliques to deliver the services that are still within the financial resources of the Council to elver to a good standard but are not being so delivered.

The ONLY really noticeable waves appear to be being made, very strangely and ironically, by the Conservatives who are absolutely adamant in their support to the CONDEM Agenda of assault on Society!

Even more strangely and tellingly, it was the Conservatives’ leader Peter Golds who had made the key points that lead up to Bob Neill, MP’s House of Commons speech in January 2013 cataloguing a very long list of questionable and unconstitutional activities in the present Tower Hamlets Council.There is nothing in anything the “Labour” Party Councillors on Tower Hamlets Council have said or done that could remotely be compared with that event on the records.

BHANGEELAAR! the Campaign against an Elected Executive Mayor system in Tower Hamlets2028 Hrs GMT London Friday 29 March 2013

[THESE ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE andCOMPELLINGLY CENTRAL CAMPAIGN COMMENTARIES in defence of the community in the East End of London will be continued]

Kay Jordan Among the First Defenders of the Community against Big Biz, City of London..

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