Wednesday 27 February 2013

Say No to COUNCIL SERVICE CUTS in Tower Hamlets: Say No to unfairness in Tower Hamlets [c]

Say No to COUNCIL SERVICE CUTS in Tower Hamlets: Say No to unfairness in Tower Hamlets [c]

Say No to COUNCIL SERVICE CUTS in Tower Hamlets: Say No to unfairness in Tower Hamlets [c]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Report: [c] 1040 [0955] Hrs GMT



27 February 2013 

How many “Commissions” have I actually founded and activated in the past half century?

By “Commissions” I mean the type of intellectual and consciousness-raising exercises that relate to and address the state of awareness of particular policies regarding Society.

I think I have done at least one major Commission every three years.

Dividing fifty years by 3, it is an easy 16 Commissions.

That is not including the “task forces” that I have had to assemble - “scramble” - at absolutely no notice at all over the past half century or so.

Defending Society and the idea of universal fairness and justice regardless of the individual origins or backgrounds in ethnicity, faith or no faith or gender of the people I have been advocating for! People PLUS beings, as in squirrels, pigeons and kittens and other creatures including Elephants and the thousands of species that are co-existing on our planet.

I begin the count in the early 1960s - doing so by ‘forgetting’ for a second, my stand, as the ONLY ONE in all the villages on both banks of my beloved river Kooeeahraa in October 1958, when Ayub Khan had imposed “martial law” on the then Pakistan-when the main intellectual and emotional attention had been demanded by the anti-social and anti-Societal diversion away from democracy that the Ayub Khan regime had set in.

For me, there was only one response: NO!

I continued to say No to Ayub Khan and then went on to say No to his successor Yahya Khan and also maintained by original diagnostic NO to their allies as typified by the flamboyant Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

In my evidential finding, it was the Flamboyant Mr Bhutto who played a decisive role in creating the moral ground on which Mr Mujibur Rahman was able to later stand!

For “perpetuity”, politically speaking

Right now, at 26 and 27 February 2013, I am operating a series of task forces as well as maintaining at least four “Commissions”.

I shall be publishing the “fundings” of each in due course.

BACK to the Tower Hamlets Council’s PR exercise called “The Fairness Commission”. This is part of the currently “trendy” “commissions” that quite a few local Councils in England have set up in the past 18 months or so. 

The idea behind these “Commissions” corresponding to each sponsoring “local Authority or borough Council” is definitely to create a sort of semi-academic, semi-neutral platform from where to point the finger at the Neo Conservative CONDEM Collusion over its CUTS policies.

This is why the “Commissions” have been found to be committing PARTISAN or “politically expedient” “investigations”.

The one in the name of the people of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets has The Tower Hamlets “Fairness Commission” abandons scheduled meeting and cuts short proceedings due to poor turnout in Stepney, London E1 

Fairness Commission "Consultation Meeting" wrapped up early for poor attendance! 

Amazingly, this meeting was supposed to be the last public event before the “Commission”, fronted by Giles Fraser, a trendy, Guardian-Friendly, Guardian-using London St Paul’s Cathedral-linked Anglican Clergyman, is due to report next month!

So when I arrived with a colleague from a Community organisation in EastOne London UK, minutes after 7 PM, an hour before the meeting was scheduled to close, I found that the clergyman Giles Fraser had just left and the rest of the “congregation” had gone home too!

“Poor turnout” was the reason, according to a young woman who spoke on behalf of the organisers of the meeting.

[To be continued]

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