Tuesday 26 February 2013

Muhammad Haque examines the latest CRASSrail plugs peddled via the 'East London Idiotiser'

A 'typo' has been addressed in the following piece at 0622 GMT Tuesday 26 February 2013

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Muhammad Haque examines the latest CRASSrail plugs peddled via the 'East London Idiotiser'

By©Muhammad Haque
2050 GMT
London Saturday
27 October 2007

In a first comment sent to the 'East London Idiotiser' this evening, I have said essentially as follows

The item 
'Crossrail project gets green light'
‘shaft work to start in 2010’ by Julia Gregory on page 9 of the ‘East London’ Idiotiser dated Thursday 25 October 2007 is seriously inaccurate and contains equally misleading contents that must be immediately corrected.

The piece in the East London Idiotiser is disjointed
and is yet another one-sided plug for the Crassrail hole plot promoters and at the expense of the East End of London.

The ‘project’ cannot be described in that way.

The ‘go ahead’ by the executive [the Government, the majority party in the House of Commons] was given as far back as February 2005 when the 'Crossrail Bill' was introduced in the UK House of Commons.

The same ‘go ahead’ was repeated in the same House of Commons on 19 July 2005 when the same Bill was given the ‘Second Reading’.

What has been happening – during the fortnight of the UK political Parties’ annual Conference [jamborees] season [end of September and the first week of October 2007] is that a snap general election was first being orchestrated and then abandoned by Gordon Brown.

ALL the announcements about Crossrail were made to get the particular South East of England commuter belt’s attention in favour of Gordon Brown and then in favour of the London mayoral re-election candidate Ken Livingstone.

The commuters were not ordinary London people in the main.

Nor is the re-election preoccupation of Ken
Livingstone a representation of the independent
preference of ordinary people of London

A very serious propaganda stunt therefore has been
attempted via these latest fabrications around

We do not buy it


Because the ‘Cross rail Bill’ is still a draft Bill,
not an Act of parliament.

It is vital that these facts are included in the
‘news’ about a matter that is very much subject to the approval of the Houses of Parliament.

After the scheduled ‘Queen’s Speech’ the same Bill is going to be put through a different select committee.

That is in the House of Lords.

Khoodeelaar! And others opposed to the Bill and to the ‘project’ are going to put the objections to that new select committee.

Only after those have been gone through – and after
the planned constitutional law challenges have been
made and the Bill is actually given the Assent and has become an Act of Parliament could you put it in the way that you have already done.

As for the ‘panel’, it is a stooge outfit of the

Four of the so-called ‘groups’ mentioned are very
closely associated with at least two councillors while the ‘health centre’ is known to have a pro-Crossrail councillor as a staff doctor!

Khoodeelaar! held a demonstration on Tuesday 23 
October 2007 outside the stooge meeting.

Why have you [the ‘ELA’] made no reference to that?

Also, half of the ‘leaders’ of the ‘groups’ you associated with the stooge group stayed away from the stooge meeting because of their support to Khoodeelaar!

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