Sunday 24 February 2013

KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour! Some key Ethical Sources for advocating for rights [2]

KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour!  Some key Ethical Sources for advocating for rights  [2]

Muhammad Haque pictured by AADHIKARMedia while presenting the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour! on “Betar Bangla” radio, from the East End of London, UK, on Thursday 21 February 2013

0840 [0830] Hrs GMT London Sunday 24 February 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: 

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour [2]

I have been presenting this Campaign Hour since September 2012 on a “community” radio station, accessible online as well as on the band 1503 AM each Thursday from 1700 Hrs GMT to 1800 Hrs GMT.

I do not seek nor receive nor crave a remuneration for doing so.

I do this as part of the Campaigning advocacy for the rights of the people.

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour has been advocating the key values of establishing the rights of the ordinary people and in doing so it has also been empirically and evidentially spelling out and been originally updating the criteria for the defence and the advancement of universal values. 

Those can be found in the United Nations’ Founding declarations upholding human rights. 

The EVIDENCE for emphatic advocacy for the rights of the people being advocated for are present in the population in a widely labelled “most deprived, inner city, London, England” borough and its population [Tower Hamlets London Borough Council]. The same values and the same principles can be extrapolated and extended to apply to other people experiencing the same challenges and the same obstacles in other parts of London, England, the UK and the rest of the world.

The nearest Constitutional Law instrument that can be cited here is of course the European Convention on Human Rights [ ] that spells out some of the key principles as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the founding declamations of the United Nations Organisation.

These in turn are derived from the traditions of earlier advocates, as exemplified by the philosophers in Greece, as represented by Socrates and his students and followers and later by the likes of the Caliph Omar, to name only a few. 

The thinker Imam Ghazzali did a great deal to interpret and establish some of the key aspects of the same universal values. 

The values have been taking a long time in coming across in real Society.

The campaigns for establishing universal values for a just and fair Society have continued, with a variety of interruptions, obstacles and delays.

In a more recent demonstration of the values, the thoughts of the English-born activist and campaigner Tom Paine [a typical but NOT definitive summary on his works and life can be seen online at].

The most recent contributions include the works, in aspects, of what is called the Marxist thinkers. 

I say “in aspects” because of the centralist collectivist thesis on which the premisses of most of what is known as the Marxist thinkers is based.

The “synthesis” [to rhetorically borrow a term from one of the foregoing schools and sources] that I have made and the one that I have been advocating on the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour is the product of my recognising what I find to be the universally free and independent component of all the schools and sources.

Advisedly, I am not mentioning any of the “faith” texts and sources. This is not to exclude let alone deny the contributions that all the “faith” texts have made and continue to the make to the analysis and diagnostics that I advocate and represent. This is merely to leave out of the pragmatic equation the powerful forces of the “faiths” which would cause the discourse to be taken on to a different, almost deity-ruled definition. That definition would be a very different one from the definition that I am applying here and designating as the universal definition. Or as “a universal” definition.

The test has been the empirical perceptions of each issue of democracy delivery that the average listener experiencers.

So far, the feedback, in the main, shows a high the level of approval. Most of those who have called the programme about its current duration [the maximum of 60 minutes, from 1700 Hrs GMT to 1800 Hrs GMT on and] have asked for an extension to the duration.

The reason, as found in the comments on air, has been the exclusive and the appropriate and the overdue contents and the analysis.

Based on that, I can say that the programme has filled a need for evidence based comments on Society generally and a democratic audit and accountability as I have sought to apply on the duties of the elected holders of publicly paid offices at local, regional and UK central levels.

[To be continued]

Callers to the Khoodeelaar! Campaign Hour have once again reiterated the demand for an extended slot on the London community radio station “Betar Bangla”.

The calls came on Thursday 21 February 2013 during the latest once-a week programme presented by Khoodeelaar! Campaigns Organiser Muhammad Haque.

This edition was almost wholly devoted to the works of the Rebel Poet Qazi Nazrul Islam, who wrote in the Bangla script but encompassed in his writings the widest known vocabulary drawn from a very large number of sources, ‘languages’ way beyond the geography of the Bangla language speaking peoples.

Muhammad Haque, an avid student of the Rebel Poetry of Qazi Nazrul Islam, read short lines from the Nazrul Poetry collection [=] “Shauncheeta”.

The edition of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Hour ended with Muhammad Haque reciting the lines: 

[here interpreted into English by Muhammad Haque]

“I shall rest only on that day when the cries and groans of the oppressed will not echo in the winds and the skies; 

when the sharp knives ... of the oppressor will no longer reign in the battlefield...” 

[To be continued]

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