Saturday 22 December 2012

Tower Hamlets Council is IN CRISIS! The Muhammad Haque Daily Commentary

I told Lutfur so: Tower Hamlets Council is IN CRISIS! The Muhammad Haque Daily Commentary

I told Lutfur so: Tower Hamlets Council is IN CRISIS! The Muhammad Haque Daily Commentary

This AADHIKARonline Diagnostic image of Lutfur Rahman’s “cabinet” member [Tower Hamlets Councillor] Rania Khan was created from an ITV London news bulletin shown on 21 December 2012
We shall examine the strategic folly of Lutfur’s getting involved in a new row with Bromley in a later edition

The Muhammad Haque Ethical Commentary about the Mother of 7 year old Neon Roberts has been postponed until later on Saturday 22 December 2012

0455 [0425] Hrs GMT London Saturday 22 December 2012. 

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: Diagnosing the collapsing state of the Tower Hamlets Council administration [4]. 

When I spoke for the first time ever to this particular Tower Hamlets council employee [for legal reasons only and only temporarily, am I withholding his name here] in 1996, I told him that I was most concerned about corruption in that Council generally and that I was as seriously concerned about the “ethnicity-linked” corruption in it. 
Note the year of my diagnosing Tower Hamlets Council’c corrupt state: 1996. The employee was and of course still is white. 

I was telling him that the token number of Asians that had been employed in the Council and put on “high paid posts” was a distraction and could be used to undermine the Council if it turned out that any one of these post-holders was guilty of corruption, abuse etc. 

SIXTEEN YEARS on, and the composition of Tower Hamlets Council’s PAID STAFF is unbelievably different with a very significant n number of Asian and African-descended personnel being in posts, my CONCERN is increased many times, the likelihood of Tower Hamlets Council getting down to delivering the services to the community in a manner and to the extent that the community deserves is less than it was in 1996. 

What evidence am I basing this on? 

Answer: Plenty of evidence. 

SIXTEEN YEARS lengths and depths and details of evidence! Here is the central one: 

I cover the entirety of the history in the summary below. I first came across that employee in 1996 as a direct result of the intervention of then Chief Executive] of Tower Hamlets Council, the first woman ti hold the post. 

Sylvie Pierce intervened in a matter that she would not have to have intervened in, had the OTHERS, far down below her line-managerial position at the top of the bureaucracy in paid posts and fully aware of the task that had needed to be done had done their jobs at each point. 

SIXTEEN YEARS later I am once again engaged in communications that directly relate to the VERY SAME issue and the very same employee! How is or COULD that be possible if the Council had been operated by personnel in paid posts doing their jobs? This is what I call CRISIS.

And this is what I ANTICIPATED on 7 March 2012 when I wrote the headline “Tower Hamlets Council is in crisis! KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012 COMING” on the top of the front page of the blog “”. 

That webblog address is altered automatically by who control the internet service to “”. 

The CRISIS is accentuated by the lack of democracy at the elementary level in the Council. 

CONTRARY to the plugs by Andrew Gilligan via the Daily Telegraph and a few of his allies in the pro-racist and racist propaganda industry via “Fleet Street”, the “Opposition” councillors on Tower Hamlets are NOT functioning democratically.

The smaller faction made up of the Cameron Cons are openly promoting a pro-racist agenda and the larger one, called “Labour” is NOT either operationally or intellectually cohesive, let alone really ideologically or democratically united.

By all accounts, there are at least THREE sub-factions in that one “Labour” Group. That is clearly a very short summary of the Opposition. 

The deficiencies of the Opposition are now being taken care of by Eric Pickles sending in the “LGA”. 

The fact that the second “extraordinary meeting” “held this month alone to appoint a chief executive” on a “permanent basis” ended up by “accepting” this “special measure” is CONCLUSIVE proof that in just over nine months since I published that commentary and the headline, the CRISIS in Tower Hamlets Council has become admitted by all three parts of the ill-equilibrium called “Tower Hamlets Council: the elected state”. 

This is the stage, I foresee now, that will be followed by collapse!

And the likes of Gilligan will make the wrong claims when that collapse does happen.

[To be continued] 

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