Saturday 8 December 2012

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary UPDATING on my original diagnosis of British Society as a Zombies-led Society.

  • The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary
    UPDATING on my original diagnosis of British Society as a Zombies-led Society.

    2120 Hrs GMT London Saturday 08 December 2012.

    SEVEN YEARS AGO, almost to the day today, I published, on the internet the following pice that diagnosed in a telling way the British society as being dominated by Zombies.

    I publish the piece again, on this Facebook account, because the DAILY MAIL has just discovered that there are quite a few zombies about in Britain occupying key powerful positions.

    Before doing an updater diagnostic, I leave the piece first, below and will piece back to the them at a suitable later occasion.

    That occasion may even occur on Monday when the Daily Mail - or its likes in the rest of the corrupt British media-dominated “Fleet Street” indulge in capitalising on the state of zombificaton that the majority of their “readers [and advertisers and financiers]” are in - may be caught in an unguarded moment of some scandalous description!

    Even it it may not happen exactly in the way that I am here implying it may do, it is only a matter of time before I have to devote time, energy and resource to an updating comment on the Zombificaton of Western Societies.
    Because whatever the likes of the embarrassingly unfazed and ignorant David “Dave” Cameron may say [imagine having to suffer his “clarity” about his “stance” on “marriages” - what a rampant fraudulent fakery that one was on Friday] about the “Western values”, I see mounting evidence of the active destruction of the idea of morality itself by the likes of Cameron.

    LOL! indeed!

    Just how much worse the “emerging” “democracies” are is something that I shall not leave to the imagination.

    I shall focus attention on the “happy” embrcers of the “demonstration effect” foisted on the Asian and African continent by the Big Time Zombie-makers from the West whence emanate, also, the deadly uncivil sing, murderous lure of “trade” in arms sales and arms purchase.
    Look at that tellingly unrepentant and guilty face of the Bullyingdone Cameron as he emerges from yet another deal after duping yet another “third world” “emerging” “ally” into buying utterly unnecessarily and avoidably piles of weapons of mass destruction made and manufactured and branded in Britain..
    Compared to the pair of callous, criminal Australian DJs who duped their victims working as nurses at the King Edward the viii Hospital in London housing the OTT-news Kate Middleton, the damage done to morality, ethics, and human safety by the partners in arms trade

    [To be continued]

    Below I quote myself from Tuesday 06 december 2005:


    Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    Tories in Britain have confirmed they don't care for ethics, morality or sense in politics. They are happiest being zombie led. Compassion, justice, fairplay are not for them.

    Tories in Britain have confirmed they don't care for ethics, morality or sense in politics. They are happiest being zombie led

    1720 Hrs GMT
    London Tuesday 6 December 2005

    Tories in Britain have confirmed they don't care for ethics, morality or sense in politics. They are happiest being zombie led. Compassion, justice, airplay are not for them.

    There was no way that David Cameron was not going to be the Tory token. There is no leadership. Only emptiness. Only immorality, Deception, Concealment and fraud. That is what the forces that hide behind the facades of party democracy want in the party. Cameron is empty. He will remain empty. And he will contribute towards emptying society of whatever little signs of content and substance there remain after years of Tory Blair and his violation of substance and his breaches of ethics.
    The emptiness the immorality the total utter abject lack of ethics that dominate the British ‘political climate’ in December 2005 would not allow for any political substance to exist. That is why the entire BBC machine was geared into service to plug away for a Cameron result.
    As was the entirety of the so-called print media.
    The question is not what will now happen with this ‘new’ Tory leader. The question is, what scope is there now for people in Britain to get a political representation which will address the needs of the people and start the overdue moment for creating a semblance of society and democracy here.
    Parliament is not doing the representation of the people in Britain. This was shown by Tony Blair’s utter contempt in March 2003. More than two million people marched thus creating a record of opposition to an unjust policy unparalleled in known history of this country.
    The Tory Part backed that unjust onslaught on Iraq.
    The number of the innocent casualties of that violation is still not published.
    The Tory front bench has not bothered itself in Parliament at all with that.
    In fact the Tory front bench is not bothered at all about anything that is deeply serious.
    At ‘home’ or ‘abroad’.

    There is not going to be any qualitative difference with Cameron.

    Only worse will follow this latest
    Confirmation of zombie ‘politics’.

    Thursday, September 29, 2005
    Blair's Brighton attack on freedom of speech confirms his authoritarianism

    Also published by ELYO


    The Struggle against Blair’s assault on the weak and the truthful must continue...

    EAST LONDON YOUTH ORGANISATION backing the Brick Lane London E1 Area NO to Crossrail hole

    The Lessons for all from the ongoing struggle to defend the East End of London against Crossrail attack

    The East End of London and the area around Brick Lane will stop Crossrail hole

    "The East End of London will awaken and defend the community against the Crossrail hole.

    There is no democratic alternative. The only way the people in the easy End of London in September 2005 know they can protect themselves against the Blair-set series of attacks on the environment, on the society in the Brick Lane London E1 area, is for the appeal, to get united against the local Blair agents. Or Brown agents. Or McCartney-agents.

    After the audacious violence on the escapee from Hitler's Nazi regime, the Blair Party has no screens behind which to hide their robbery of democracy.

    The Crossrail plan is a direct party of the project to silence democracy. To eject sense and to expel legitimacy from the arena of power.

    Be that in the formal building of the UK House of Commons. be that from the actual structures and buildings where Blair and his operatives seek to contrail and to confuse the masses, there is no denying that Blair has turned the country into a very intolerant one in a matter of weeks.

    Planned periods of hysteria and mass scare have been implemented as parts of the designed programme to test the people’s state of alertness against a totalitarian regime in Britain.

    What the Brighton Nazi Style violence on the 82 year old 'Labour' Party member objecting to the leis of the man of straw [in contents] shows is that the people are unlikely to fall for the plastic charms of the face of the neo-totalitarian a.
    That same thing applies to the East end of Lon don where the people can only defend themselves by getting united action against the Crossrail attack.

    There is no economic justification for the Crossrail hole plan.
    There is no hole plan need for the Crossrail hole dust and dirt imposition programme.

    There is no constitutional justification fort the Crossrail hole attack on the East End people.

    To learn more about the evidence against Crossrail hole plan, visit

    This has been written in London and posted on the World Wide Web at 0115 Hrs GMT
    Friday 30 September 2005

    Monday, September 19, 2005

    MUHAMMAD HAQUE DAILY WORLD NEWS COMMENTARY2240 Hrs GMT London Monday 19 September 2005

    Why am I thinking about the dismal embarrassment that all thinking, good hearted persons must suffer at the sight of a banal band of overpaid morons disguised as ‘leaders of the people’ and jumping on preposterously over-decorated stages and platforms on certain British – mainly English – s

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