Monday 31 December 2012

The Indian DAILY HINDU web site carries Muhammad Haque COMMENT telling Manmohan Singh to deliver Justice to women NOW!

Muhammad Haque telling India PM Manmohan Singh to make the overdue start: deliver justice for women

Muhammad Haque telling India PM Manmohan Singh to make the overdue start: deliver justice for women
The Muhammad Haque COMMENT directly addressing the Indian PM Manmohan Singh appears at the top of the COMMENTS section after the piece published by the leading English language Media Group the HINDU in India.

The MUHAMMAD HAQUE Comment in full:

If the controlling cliques in the Indian central Govt are honest and if their 
counterparts in the Indian States are honest then the shame and the disgrace that 
they have shown so far may begin to be reversed. 

If they still fail to get it and if they refuse to apologise in kind for the past nearly 70 
years of failures following the move to oust the British began in earnest then the 
whole of the population will be diminished. 

The women in India deserve absolutely no patronage.
No soothing reassurance. 
What women need and deserve is straight and simple. Justice. Now. Every time any 
violation actually happens against a woman, there must be the due remedy. Instantly. 

This is the start that Manmohan Singh must make. 

Quit making banal statements and patronising nosies. 
And the victims in Bihar, Manipur and elsewhere of ALL sexual, gender-linked 
violation, violence, assault and insult must be attended to right now, without delay. 

1645 Hrs GMT London Sunday 30 December 2012.

from:  Muhammad Haque
Posted on: Dec 30, 2012 at 22:17 IST

The HINDU website carrying the above comment is accessible by the following URL [web page address]

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