Sunday 9 December 2012

Food bank Britain: Hungry Brits get 200,000 care parcels

  • The © Muhammad Haque Ethical Commentary 1945 [1930] [1915] Hrs GMT London Sunday 09 December 2012. The picture shows an AADHIKAR Media image of the two page spread by today’s SUNDAY MIRROR newspaper, London. Commenting on the SUNDAY MIRROR’s investigation, one of the Ed Miliband-led Labour Party’s front bench spokespersons in the UK House of Commons, Angela Eagle almost told the whole truth but resisted the temptation. The truth is that Britain has been home [!!!] to hundreds of thousands of starving people for generations. The truth is that hunger and starvation are part and parcel of UK Govt Policy. The truth is that the Labour Party Parliamentary leadership has been as guilty of maintaining the hunger and starvation in Britain as has the Tory Party been. And now, as the CONDEM Collusion is.   But being  the Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, and noted for her record in taking noticeable “care” in maintaining a secure place in the bureaucratic manifestation of the Labour Party, Angela Eagle was not going to rock the boat.  And she didn’t rick her career by her stint on SKY this morning. She kept her words and her manner on camera very collected even though the contents of the food bank Britain story in the SUMDAY MIRROR that she was there to review were far from calm and collected. But then in many ways, Angela Eagle has been a calm and collected and a steadfast follower of the front bench line that has NOT deviated from the “OFFICIAL UK GOVT STRATEGY” about hunger, famine and starvation inside the UK. [To be continued]  The following item has been retrieved from the London DAILY MIRROR website 
  •   By  Nick Owens
  • Food bank Britain:  Hungry Brits get 200,000 care parcels

    Hundreds of thousands of parcels are being delivered to struggling Brits this year, the Salvation Army reveal
    Crisis:  Food parcel deliveries rising say Salvation Army
     More than 200,000 food parcels will be delivered to poverty stricken Brits this year, shocking new figures have revealed.
    The Salvation Army say that number has DOUBLED in a year... and the charity fears things will only get worse in 2013.
    The organisation delivers food packages to those in desperate need, including the homeless and OAPs.
    But they say rising numbers of people suffering in the wake of cuts are now coming forward and saying they do not have enough money to eat and drink.
    "The statement we hear over and over from people is that they are choosing between 'heating and eating' this winter," a Salvation Army spokesman said.
    "The past year has seen demand for food parcels double and we are desperately trying to help as many people as we can."
    The Salvation Army say the north east of England is the area with the highest number of people in need.
    They use food donated by the public and supermarkets The spokesman added: "The public are so generous... but we urgently need extra donations to meet demand."
    Has your family had to rely on a local food bank?
    We want to hear your stories to carry on raising awareness of the growing food poverty crisis in the UK.
    Call the Sunday Mirror freephone on 0800 289441 or email 

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