Saturday 22 December 2012

CRUELTY of the Courts, Cruelty by the Health system and Cruelty by the careerists in PR, Media [2]

CRUELTY of the Courts, Cruelty by the Health system and Cruelty by the careerists in PR, Media [2]

CRUELTY of the Courts, Cruelty by the Health system and Cruelty by the careerists in PR, Media [2]

1705 [1630][1610] Hrs GMT London Saturday 22 December 2012.

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary:
A Mother's anguish for her cancer-ill child [1b]

This is the face of the moment highlighting the lethal failures of the Health Professionals! Failing a child. Failing so badly that the child's life hangs on the balance. 
Now multiply that child's agony by the millions of other children who in one way or another are daily being neglected, mis-treated by the same types of bureaucrats, the same types of careerists. We do NOT HAVE a CARING effective sensitive health system in the UK at all.

And failure by the UK Govt. and the institutions. Including the failures by the UK academic ones that are supposed to but are failing to conduct the necessary continuous sustained research. 
And of course the failing Zombie British media.
I am saying this because of the unfeeling, unthinking careerist utterances by the "experts media commentators" [employed by other media outlets]" that are nightly hauled into the BBC News Channel and the SKY News studios in London. They speak without the aid of their brains. Only a small number of exceptions. So small that hardly register. What is a mother concerned about the serious side effects of "current cancer treatments" to do? Why is she having to take on the entire battalions of the Courts and the Health "systems" and their propaganda outfits?

Why isn't there that same anxiety, the same fear, the same concern on the part of the "health" officials?

[To be continued]

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