Monday 17 December 2012

33 rd year of AADHIKAR Monday in the 3rd week of December 1980 to the same in 2012

Monday in the 3rd week of December 1980 to the same in 2012, 33 rd year of AADHIKAR

Monday in the 3rd week of December 1980 to the same in 2012, 33 rd year of AADHIKAR

THIS SCANNED Picture of the front page of the first issue of the weekly Bangladeshi title AADHIKAR is the only one accessible this minute.
Both the SCANNER and the entire archive of the AADHIKAR published in December 1980 and since, have been ‘affected’ by the criminal racist assault that took place on our spaces in Brick Lane in August and `September this year.
For legal reasons, the details are not being published here at this minute.
[To be continued]
0940 Hrs GMT London Monday 17 December 2012

The © Muhammad Haque Journalism Commentary [1]

Monday in the 3rd week of December 1980 to the same in 2012, 33 rd year of AADHIKAR

AADHIKAR Means Rights in MANY languages across Asia.
It is one of the thousands of words that have been adopted by Seelotee.
And the Battle for Rights continues as vigorously originally, ethically, accountably, transparently today as it had to be done 32 years ago when the late Shah Muhammad Azizul Haque [Ayzul] became too anxious to “publish our newspaper”.
I had already decided to launch the paper but the timing had to be right
But Ayzul insisted on the paper being published almost immediately.
Like today, there was no funds to pay for all the costs that were involved.
But the demand, the need to report to the community on the community’s rights was too urgent for the project to de delayed.
The reason was that the then EXISTING “newspapers” allegedly for the Bangladeshi community in the UK were failing to do the job.
They had got it absolutely wrong about the community.
They were mentally, culturally and morally not here in the UK at all.
And 32 years later, those titles, or the ones that are still “publishing” remain as far removed from the needs of the UK Bangladeshi community as they were all that time ago, as I have been exposing in my commentary
And the arrival of the plastic ethnicity-linked OFCOM-stamped satellite TV channels operated in the UK or rather “from the UK” [more on this later] in the name of the UK Bangladeshi has NOT made things any better whatever.

As was evident last night, Sunday 16 December 2012.

The obscenity of the Empire-servile “ethnicity-linked” satellite-carried “TV channels” allegedly ”serving the Bangladeshi community in the UK” became very clear last night when BOTH Rushanara Ali, the OTT-hyped “Bengali MP” and Lutfur Rahman, the OTT-hyped “first Bengali executive mayor”, FAILED TO SPEAK in either Seelotee or in Bangle when they delivered their OTT-hyped spiels at the “live event” dedicated to the self-promotion programme for the coteries and cliques involved in the “Channel” they now call “S” but which they had to launch as the “Sylhet Channel”, a key +CLAIM TO THEIR IDENTITY which they have now abandoned. [More on this in due course] 
Both Rushanara Ali and Lutfur Rahman owe their “influential positions” [influential what???????] to ordinary UK Bangladeshis who SPEAK and use Bangladeshi languages in Tower Hamlets most of the times because of RACIST exclusions and discriminations by the “Society that Ed Miliprat” peddles the image of when serenaded by the counterpart surrogates to Rushanara Ali and Lutfur Rahman in Tooting, London SW17. 
Both Ali and Rahman were PUT IN THIER POSITIONS, and are being KEPT there by ordinary, un-named, unrecognised, unmentioned Bangladeshis almost entirely speaking Seelotee and hailing and originating from Seelot [=Sylhet] and living in Tower Hamlets
BOTH KNEW who their audiences were: mostly Bangladeshis both in the UK and anywhere else
So what does their refusal to speak either Seelotee [both speak Seelotee as their mother tongue] or in token Bangla [because that is the most that either can do] tell the community and tell the general observers about their “influence”???
What EXACTLY are they INFLUENCING and to what end?????????[To be continued]

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