Friday 2 November 2012

The Muhammad Haque Friday Commentary: “Poplar solicitor” Habib Rahman is “jailed for life” -’news’, Thursday 01 November 2012: 1

0515 [0500] Hrs GMT
Friday 02 November 2012
The Muhammad Haque Friday Commentary:
“Poplar solicitor” Habib Rahman is “jailed for life” -’news’, Thursday 01 November 2012: 1
The community – where is ‘the community’? – should have an ongoing programme of education for all its members of all ages. About the value of life and about the duty on everyone to show the utmost respect to life.
Token, half-hearted, insincere utterances peddling all support and solidarity to the victims and their attackers, are NOT enough.
This life, the life of the convicted, sentenced man, only in his early 30s, is destroyed.
Why did he do what he did?
Why hadn’t the earlier incidents brought to the attention of those who could and should have helped?
These questions are vital every time something like this happens.
These questions are even more vital even before something as awful as this is seen as likely to happen.
Where are all the “support services”?
Where was the local Council and its many “specially trained, dedicated” staff when the woman was already being attacked?
Did the husband, now described by the Police as quoted below, show any signs of disquiet, unhappiness, to any close friend, associates, relatives?
What is the history of this double, no, multiple tragedy?
First the young mum is murdered, then the young dad jailed for life and now the orphaned children.
There truly is no words that can begin too reflect the depth of these losses, the pains and the questions: why? why? why?
One answer is for anyone who feels frustrated, upset or unhappy about their marriage is to: pause, think deep and think for the whole future!
Seek help.
Violence does NOT solve anything.
Imagine the feelings of the bereaved children in this tragedy!
No child should be caused this anguish!
No woman must be treated this way.
Mother or no mother!
And only because Habib Rahman became a “solicitor” did not stop him being a murderer too!
So this is a moment to reflect on things and put things in the right perspective.
All humans are fallible.
All humans are fragile.
The brilliance is to keep all those feelings in control.
And think about the whole future.
If human beings can learn to fly to the outer space then they must be also able to hold their frustrations and anger in check.
Think of the children!
They deserve the utmost protection,.
And respect.
If you love your children then show this by respecting their feelings.
Do not do anything that will upset or let the children down.
Do everything that will bring looks of joy on the face of the children.
That should be the way to live the rest of your life!
[To be continued]

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