Thursday 29 November 2012

Empire strikes back to repel the moral rights of those exploited by imperialists bent on continuing

Empire strikes back to repel the moral rights of those exploited by imperialists bent on continuing

0810 [0750] [0705]  Hrs GMT Thursday 29 November 2012 : 
The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary. 
“The UK Economy badly needs illegal immigrants!”
That is what I am saying. Again.
This Commentary is being written and published only six hours or so before the formal publication of the Leveson report. Unless some emergency takes place that is not anticipated or known as I write, the majority of the official and dominant “media” will be leading with Leveson throughout the afternoon and the night.
And morality and ethics will be implied and remarked upon time after time by the talking heads that will be gathered together by the  BBC, the SKY network and others.
And by the time David Dimbleby gets to chair Question Time on BBC1, the heightened state of angsts over aspects of Leveson will be at their peaks!
After that, “Society” will return to normal.
And illegality, immorality and injustice will continue to rule.
And those who abuse their powers and their positions will make excuses in justifying and in excusing the illegalities, the immoralities and the injustices.
As is clear in the latest findings on the behaviour of the UK Border Agency, the Home Office Executive Agency that is supposed to control illegal immigration into the UK.
Another "damning" report about the UK Border Agency, thus exposing the thousands of lies that are told daily by yet another UK Govt Agency.... 
What does it all say about Society in Britain?
It says that the “vah-loos” that Gordon Brown bragged of as he twisted the statistics and his lips in making the boasts were not ethical. They remain unethical in Government. They are corrupting. And that they are persisting with the Con-Dem Collusion that is in place as the ‘UK Govt”.
The customary statement has been made by a UK Home Office Minister justifying the unethical behaviour by the UKBA, his “strongest” point being that the high numbers of illegal immigrants recorded in this latest report are “historic”, meaning that they go back to Gordon Brown’s time at No. 10 Downing Street. And stretch to the longer period of Tony Bliar at the supposed “helm” of the governing bureaucracy.
As even Keith Vaz has shown, scandalised careers are no barriers to a post holder emerging as a “champion of morality and ethics”!
It is a remarkable achievement on Keith Vaz’s part that he is now almost routinely allowed TV and radio time [not to speak of semi-glowing space even by the DAILY MAIL] to come across as a supporter of high ethics and high morality in Government!
When the facts are that Keith Vaz almost “leads” on the rituals of attacks on the UKBA’s abysmal record, it is inevitable that the rest of “Parliament” will be even more unimpressed by the Government’s claims about “tackling” illegal immigration.
But an examination of the role of Parliament itself, in “tackling” illegal immigration shows that MPs and Peers are themselves unable to tell the truth. And if they appear to be telling the truth sometimes then they are unable to do so at the other times. And on still others, they are not even looking with their eyes open.
This lack of ethical and moral behaviour by Parliament is not an accident. This is a product of the relationship that MPs and Peers have with interests that are interested in illegal immigration continuing.
These are big businesses.
And other businesses.
Hence the man ridiculously praised to the skies as “Saint Vincent” Cable was, has been and will continue to remain unable to condemn illegal immigration. A reading of his [Vince Cable, the UK Business Secretary, to name one] published utterances on the subject will be convincing enough.
And the reason for it is that the UK Society is being dominated at all levels by persons who are themselves morally, ethically and democratically  challenged, suspect, unaccountable and not at all transparent.
Had the UK Society been dominated by ethical and accountable and truthful perperson then they would stop talking about illegal immigration at all.
They would be talking about the broken society and the broken economy and the broken institutional and social infrastructure.
They would admit that there is no truth in their boasts about “world class education system” when the overwhelming majority of the products of that vaunted education system are engaged in lying, concealing the truth and other illegalities when in posts, in power.
Who are the so-called UKBA employees?
Where were they schooled [Oops! ‘Educated’]?
The plain truth is that the broken down UK Economy needs people who can be exploited.
And there is ample proof that the exploited cannot be held down for long unless they can be coerced.
The tool of that coercion is the stigma of illegality, as in this case attached to immigration.
This stigma of illegal immigration into the UK by people from Asia and Africa is a monumental lie created by years of falsification of the facts about UK Economy.
That one word explains it all.
[To be continued]

The following texts have been retrieved from the Guardian London web site between 0702 and 0750 Hrs GMT Thursday 29 November 2012 and reproduced here for a contextual reference to go with my Commentary [above]:

UK Border Agency has let thousands of overseas students overstay
Chief Inspector of immigration, John Vine, acknowledges backlog of 150,000 notifications about changes in students' circumstances

Alan Travis, home affairs editor, Thursday 29 November 2012

UK Border Agency staff have failed to check thousands of tip-offs about overseas students including whether they had actually enrolled on courses, a report has said. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA
Thousands of overseas students have potentially been allowed to stay in Britain when they should have been asked to leave as a result of a fresh "significant failing" by the UK Border Agency.

The UKBA chief inspector of immigration, John Vine, says at the time of his inspection in May there was a backlog of more than 150,000 notifications about changes in students' circumstances, including discontinuing, failing to enrol on their courses or breaching the conditions of their visas.

In his report, published on Thursday, Vine says: "As a result, there could potentially be thousands of migrants in the UK who were not complying with the conditions of their visa and whose leave should have been curtailed by the agency but had not been.

"One senior manager informed us that at the time of the inspection there were potentially 26,000 students whose leave should have been curtailed and who should have had enforcement action taken against them."

It is understood that the backlog of notifications about changes in the circumstances of overseas students dates back to March 2009.

In May, UKBA launched Operation Mayapple to identify individuals who could still be in Britain but were not complying with their visa conditions. A team of staff in Sheffield analysed the outstanding notifications and showed that many infringements were minor such as a change of address.

The chief inspector reports that for more serious notifications, which indicated that students were not complying with their leave conditions, the case was referred to the local immigration team for enforcement action.

Operation Rosehip was launched by the at the same time to specifically target students who should no longer have been in Britain.

UKBA said 23,000 students had been told to comply with their student visas or face enforcement action as a result.

The immigration minister, Mark Harper, responded to the report saying: "We are the first government to tackle the historically high levels of abuse in the student visa system. We have toughened the rules to ensure that genuine students are not taken advantage of by organisations looking to sell immigration not education.

"At the same time, we have a great offer for the brightest and best international talent who want to study at our world class institutions."

But Labour's Chris Bryant described it as yet another damning report about UKBA and said the existence of the 150,000-strong backlog was a scandalous situation.

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