Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Khoodeelaar! Manifesto 2006 Part E © Muhammad Haque /CBRUK /Khoodeelaar! / LCAN 2006/2012

UPDATER Context:

The Khoodeelaar! Manifesto 2006

Part E

© Muhammad Haque /CBRUK /Khoodeelaar! / LCAN 2006/2012

Written and published on the internet at 0950 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 24 January 2006
These contents are original and forum Part of the Khoodeelaar! MANIFESTO 2006 which is currently being published in separate parts. The complete Khoodeelaar! MANIFESTO 2006 will be published in print form and in a single volume later on in 2006. These materials may be quoted fore educational purposes only. No commercial or unethical or anti-democratic or unlawful use of any of these materials is allowed.
a. The morass that exists on the London borough of Tower Hamlets council is manifold. It is a morass of democracy. There is no manifest democratic activity on the council. The morass is also cultural and historic.
b. And the two are intertwined. The lack of political accountability is the direct result of the absence from the agenda of political selection of candidates [for election to the London borough of Tower Hamlets council] of any criteria based on voluntary compliance with the requirements of democracy and of constitutionality that is compatible with the requirements of democracy.
c. The culture that dominates the behaviour of those who control the access to the powers available to the LBTH council is a corrupt culture. It is a corrupt culture. It has been a corrupt culture. It is bound to remain a corrupt culture. That is why there is the absolute need and demand for the Khoodeelaar! Manifesto 2006.
d. This manifesto is unlike any other that has ever been published anywhere in the UK. it has been prompted by the immediate and dire absence of democratic representation on the tower hamlets council that would and should protect the brick lane London e1 area from the Crossrail hole [attacks plan and programme and] bill and it is the product of the evidence of the reaction to the Khoodeelaar!! campaign of all the elements and forces and agencies and beneficiaries of the corrupt status quo that has created the Crossrail threat to the local community in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.
e. This Khoodeelaar! manifesto 2006 will provide the frame of democratic reference for the community to ethically and constitutionally probe the entirety of the operation and use of the London borough of Tower Hamlets council and serve as the definitive democratic guide for exposing corruption and wrongdoing of holders of ‘elected’ posts and of those others whom the holders of ‘elected’ posts use to carry out their anti-democratic, corrupt agenda against the mandate, the wishes, the needs and the demands of the local community in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.
f. here is no bigger instance of abuse of democracy at the present time [24 January 2006] than the Crossrail threat that has been brought into this area by the undemocratic behaviour of the allegedly democratic holders of the particularly Crossrail-promoting ‘elected’ and the powerful positions in the London borough of Tower Hamlets council in the past relevant years.
g. The historic reasons include the access to the application of the finance – and the financial powers – that the users and abusers of the ‘powers’ of the London borough of Tower Hamlets council have. that access has been used to either perpetuate institutional and personal discrimination in violating human rights and in maintaining a discriminatory and corrupt regime by first denying human and equal rights and then posing as the ‘saviour’ of the victims of the violations. This is most noticeable in the antics of the very corrupt and the very contradictory and the very unethical players that the ‘mainstream’ British media has afforded spots to between 9 January 2006 and 23 January 2006. The Khoodeelaar! the brick lane London E1 area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill
1. THAT Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will publish the analysis of the crisis and the betrayal and the denial of local democratic accountability. This will be a service that the local community deserve need and want from their local council.
2. Towards the publication of such analysis Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will take into account the facts of the behaviour of those who are [or have been or were] in control of the LBTH Council at the time that the anti-democratic decision/s were made or instigated or incited.
3. That the meanings of the two words ‘instigated’ and ‘incited’ will be determined by reference to contemporary use and treated in the context of the current and the temporal uses of the two words in ordinary life.
4. That Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will publish the political account of the representations made by and on behalf of the pro-accountability, pro-democratic activists, organisations and persons to the occupant in the highest-paid post in the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council who is officially also the chief adviser to the controlling group on the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council on compliance with the law and the ‘constitution’.
5. That Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will use all statutes, precedents and dicta as well as all applicable decisions and opinions that have been expressed by any relevant judicial body or forum or court in the UK or internationally to focus attention on the utter duty of holders of elected posts and on the others ‘carrying out their decisions’ within or in the name of or on behalf of or on the implied authority of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council to tell the truth on what they say and do and on what they do not say and do not do when they invoke or use or claim authority on their ‘elected’ and ‘democratic’ rights to exercise and use the powers available to the ‘London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council’.

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