Sunday 7 October 2012

Future of Tower Hamlets as an elected Council: You read THIS WARNING here first!

0535 [0445] Hrs GMT London Sunday 07 October 2012

Muhammad haque Daily Ethical Commentary

UPDATING on the contaminated Environmental Health of Tower Hamlets Council - 3

To get an idea of just how the controlling bureaucrat in Tower Hamlets Council has been contaminating the environment in Tower Hamlets, it is important to take a regular look at the corrosion of democratic accountability and values.
I have studied the behaviour of the elected councillors for more years than I should have done.
Because I "have" and "had" legitimately expected that after the terms of the really incompetent and lazy and ignorant councillors ended, there would be a time when alert, accountable and competent councillors would take their places and they would start the long overdue culture of "elected Council's accountability to the community".
That was my legitimate expectation.
Like all ordinary, "law-abiding" [and "law-querying"], society-serving people in the East End.
But I was assuming, expressly, that the behind-the-scenes pullers of the levers that were applied to control the careers and the "consciences" of the elected councillors, were themselves behaving honestly!
They are not behaving honestly!
They were not behaving honestly
The result is everywhere to be seen
As it became very clear in the TELLING case of Mr WOOSTER [the man who successfully sued Tower Hamlets Council for a multiplicity of lying and dishonesty, thus ending up with a hefty sum in de facto damages, whatever terms the trading lawyers put to the actual "outcome"], Tower Hamlets Council's controlling bureaucracy is corrupt to the core.
It is that corrupt core that has caused the many losses to be experienced by the community at large.
And unless the elected Councillors in place now [at the time of writing this at 0350 GMT London Sunday 07 October 2012] pull their limbs out of the places that they should not rest them in, then the entire idea of a Tower Hamlets Council will vanish by the fact that an elected Tower Hamlets Council has shown itself to be UNFIT FOR PURPOSE!

Not the Boundary Commission, but the Boundless Omission of duty by the elected Councillors will do the devastating discrediting.
Both at the anecdotal level as well as at the formal level, the elected Tower Hamlets Council has become severely redundant.
The flag carriers for the career-councillors argue that this is down to the "fact" that the democratic authority and the powers have been taken away from the elected councillors and placed fully and squarely  in the hands of the "elected executive mayor".

I do not agree with this excuse.
Not for a split second.
Why? Because I argued, starting in the first week of January 2010, that a move to installing an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets was bound to end with a disastrous further deterioration in the standard of accountability by the Counc

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