Saturday 11 August 2012

Streets definitely bereft of gold for the campaign to secure freedom from the Obama regime's atrocities: [1]

Streets definitely bereft of gold for the campaign to secure freedom from the Obama regime's atrocities: [1]

1650 [1630] Hrs GMT London Saturday 11 August 2012
Editor © Muhammad Haque
The AADHIKARMediaonline picture of the banner of the Free Mumia Abu Jamal UK campaign shown here was taken at Bishopsgate [the “City of London” thoroughfare which includes the railway station Liverpool Street] on 06 August 2012.
The Free Mumia Abu Jamal campaign has also drawn attention to an extent to the over-representation of “black” inmates in British jails.
As the campaign’s blog “democracyandclasstruggle” states that [Hackney,
London] British parliament Member Diane Abbot has said: “some prisons in the South East [of England] are now virtually all-black”.
The Free Mumia
UK campaign has demonstrated at Bishopsgate before. On the 06 August 2012, we conducted a filmed interview with the man who holds up the banner. In later parts of this series, relevant bits from that interview will be published.

. The Mumia Abu Jamal case or the STATE of that case in the USA today just about reinforces the undeniable truth about the very dangerous failures of the “most powerful” “Nation on earth today”.

The fact that Abu Jamal was sentenced to death in the 1980s is not a particularly exceptional fact at all.
Because the USA has the death penalty, as is widely known.
The Abu Jamal case shows that despite routine and aggressive assertion of the  “humanising and the human rights-advancing”  “protections” under the “American Constitution”, most people, who fit the socially, ethnically and culturally “profiled” characteristics of Mumia Abu Jamal, remain totally deprived of all the fancy “rights” so frequently and so vigorously vaunted at all the trading stages and platforms.

. The awkward Englishman who helped define so much of the founding
USA’s Constitutional rhetoric, Tom Paine, would himself be very very outraged if he were about today.
But Jimmy Carter is about. As a former USA President, Carter has been hitting the headlines especially over the regular massacres of children, women and other civilians that B Hussein Obama had promised to carry out [during his "challenge" as against the Republicans' John McCain in 2008]  and has been regularly authorising since getting into the White House.
The massacres were the subject of another heated demonstration in
Pakistan today [Saturday 11 August 2012]. The “Oxford University”-stamped former cricket “star” Imran Khan has been involved in the growing political mobilisation by the ordinary people across Pakistan against the Obama White House’s massacres programme against the people in the regions bordering on Afghanistan.
The British legal professional Clive Stafford Smith has been at the forefront of the
Pakistan protest, as far as the British links are concerned. Stafford Smith has been widely reported in Pakistan [but has been suppressed by the British mainstream media] as giving extensive accounts from the legal standpoint, of how Obama has been committing illegal acts and how the massacres are crimes against humanity. Apart from Clive Stafford Smith, other lawyers, international jurists and human rights specialists have been vocal “about” Obama carrying out the massacres.
But the Murdoch-led British "mainstream media" outlets have suppressed all the news.

Only the Guardian has been, perhaps to show part of its "liberal" face, carrying some of the "news". But the Guardian has been careful to not allow the victims of Obama’s massacres of the Pakistani children, women and other innocents to be seen as victims as compared with the victims of any regime that could be identified as remotely "like the Pakistanis"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the very widely publicised “friend of the Muslims” [!!!] and the Bradford West MP George Galloway  was not able to even refer to the Obama massacres of the Pakistanis when Galloway allowed his name to go with the piece published by the Glasgow daily RECORD on Monday 06 August 2012. Instead, Mr Galloway ended his piece by invoking the supposed wisdom of Marylyn Monroe [on the holder/s of the office of “Mr President”] and doing a sub-reminiscent textual impression of what had become so spectacularly “famous” impersonation by him of a feline as he had feigned to savour the delicacies amid performing an act while posing prostrate at the presence of Runa Lenska.
It is these voids, these empty spaces in the “professional” utterances by “elected politicians” that the Free Mumia Abu Jamal UK campaign highlighted when it denounced the British and the USA regimes and institutions as being not only racist and imperialist but also as being more so than they had been in some of the recent decades.
The campaign also pointed out that the over-hyped resurgence in the Chinese economy and Society must not be confused with the Cultural Revolution under the banner of Chairman Mao’s leadership. “These are fundamental contradictions”, the campaign referred to its stand on today’s
China. As it did so in relation to its stand about the regimes and Societies across the West.
In the context of Jamaica which it treats as a typical case of what has been stalling the true liberation of the Caribbean peoples, the “class struggle” was continuing but it would not overthrow the stooged, corrupt regime only because a “charismatic” “leader”, such as Fidel Castro, might emerge one day or suddenly.
The class struggle does NOT depend on a Charismatic leader, the campaign asserted.

[These commentaries will continue]

The following is an extract from an entry on MUMIA ABU JAMAL on the Wikipedia, retrieved at 1545 GMT Saturday 11 August 2012

Abu-Jamal was given the name Mumia in 1968 by his high school teacher, a Kenyan instructing a class on African cultures in which students took African classroom names.[12] 

According to Abu-Jamal, 'Mumia' means "Prince" and was the name of anti-colonialAfrican nationalists conducting warfare against the British in Kenya at the time of its independence movement.[13] He adopted the surname Abu-Jamal ("father of Jamal" in Arabic) after the birth of his son Jamal on
July 18, 1971.[12][14]

 His first marriage at age 19, to Jamal's mother, Biba, was short-lived.[15] Their daughter, Lateefa, was born shortly after the wedding.[16] 

Abu-Jamal married his second wife, Marilyn (known as "Peachie"),[14] in 1977.[17] Their son, Mazi, was born in early 1978.[18]

 By 1981, Abu-Jamal was living with his third and current wife, Wadiya.[17]

[edit]Involvement with the Black Panthers

In his own writings, Abu-Jamal describes his adolescent experience of being "kicked ... into the Black Panther Party" after suffering a beating from "white racists" and a policeman for his efforts to disrupt a George Wallace for President rally in 1968.[19] 

The following year, at the age of 15, he helped form the Philadelphia branch of the Black Panther Party,[20] taking appointment, in his own words, as the chapter's "Lieutenant of Information", exercising a responsibility for writing information and news communications. In one of the interviews he gave at the time he quoted Mao Zedong, saying that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun".[21]

 That same year, he dropped out of Benjamin Franklin High School and took up residence in the branch's headquarters.[20] He spent late 1969 in
New York City and early 1970 in Oakland, living and working with BPP colleagues in those cities.[22] 

He was a party member from May 1969 until October 1970 and was subject to Federal Bureau of Investigation COINTELPRO surveillance from then until about 1974.[23]

The UK campaign for the Release of Mumia Abu Jamal from prison in USA is being led by an organisation some of whose publications can be read at their blog. The latest accessible blog address is given below :

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