Sunday 29 July 2012

Pathetic timing and even more pathetic “rejection" of two Cons: the "Counter Olympic" net workers are themselves out of touch and are tokenistic in their "anger" -1


 Editor © Muhammad Haque

0315 Hrs GMT

London Sunday
29 July 2012.

Pathetic timing and even more pathetic “rejection" of two Cons: the "Counter Olympic" net workers are themselves out of touch and are tokenistic in their "anger" -1  

Saturday’s display of “rejection” of Cameron and Coe was controlled by the same operation that had been sabotaging local genuinely community protests for decades.

The real controllers behind the display were [collectively] part of the corrupted agenda of the racist patriotic elitists “left” outfits that have operated against the ordinary communities in Britain for over a hundred years.

This “demonstration” was too late and lacked any real political agenda.

It was corrupt because it deliberately and ignorantly did not address the core of the corrupt capitalist imperialist forces that control the agenda of these Games and those of everything else that goes with the “Spectacular” displays promoted via the selected codes of some of patriotism’s worst common denominators.

The CON is itself a Con.

It has shielded the zombies-filled local Tower Hamlets Council from the attention that that zombies-filled Council badly warrants.

There is no evidence that the CON would know ordinary deprived real people if they hit the CON in their faces with the stark starving skeletons of bankrupt local democracy, the corrupt local housing disservice and the sick-mockingly deadly local GPs and their terminator NHS outfits that are routinely getting away with a programme of destroying patients’ lives across East London.

[To be continued]


From the DAILY MAIL web site:


'We reject Cameron and Coe's corporate Games': Protestors stage demonstration in the shadow of the Olympic Stadium

By Charles Walford
Demonstrators have marched through one of the Olympic boroughs in protest at the 'Corporate Olympics'.

Less than 24 hours after the Olympic Stadium was bathed in the glow of fireworks and good feeling, up to 400 people marched in Tower Hamlets to make their anger known over the power that big business has over the Games.
The demonstration, organised by Counter Olympics Network, began at Mile End station and ended at Wennington Green in Victoria Park.
The were protesting over contentious issues that have arisen from the hosting of the Games such as the volume of free tickets handed to sponsors.
People power: The demonstrators criticised the corporate influence over the Games
People power: The demonstrators criticised the corporate influence over the Games

Police reported no problems at the demonstration which started in Mile End and finished in Victoria Park
Police reported no problems at the demonstration which started in Mile End and finished in Victoria Park
They were also protesting at the way local businesses have been overlooked and sidelined to allow global conglomerates to profit.
The Metropolitan Police said the march past without any incident.
The Counter Olympics Network said it was demonstrating against 'two million free tickets for the rich' and 'roads being turned into exclusive highways for VIPs, reported the BBC.
Locog, the London organising authority, has created much fanfare over the amount of work and income that the Games.
However, last week local business man Stuart Hatton, joint MD of a local film production company, said: 'We were looking forward to there being a real buzz in the local community. Some businesses actually moved here to capitalise on the Olympic Games though it now seems that the opposite will happen.
Vocal minority: Around 400 people marched on the protest
Vocal minority: Around 400 people marched on the protest
Protesters organised by the Counter Olympics Network marched from Mile End Park to Victoria Park
The Counter Olympics Network said it was demonstrating against 'two million free tickets for the rich'

There were the ubiquitous 'V for Vendetta' masks on the march
There were the ubiquitous 'V for Vendetta' masks on the march
'I can't see the logic in it and the reason for the decision has not been explained to us.'
The march also raised the issue of missiles being placed on roofs of residential buildings to protect the Games
'We do not consent to austerity, privilege and profiteering,' a spokesman told the BBC. 'We reject Cameron and Coe's corporate Games.'
Kate Morris, a supporter of Occupy London, said: 'The 'people's games' in London are subject to the whims of global corporations and financial institutions who seek to 'legally' avoid tax and saturate sport with their own marketing in an attempt to sanitise their reputations, never mind limiting ticket availability and securing VIP lanes.'
A spokesman for Locog said that he did not mind a protest being held in a 'sensible and appropriate manner'.
But they added: 'We implore any protesters to consider the impact of any action on the athletes, most of whom have spent half their lives preparing for London 2012.
'We are a sport-loving nation, and ruining sporting events is not the way anyone wants London 2012 to be remembered.'

Those who live near the Olympic Stadium feel 'sidelined' by the Games
Those who live near the Olympic Stadium feel 'sidelined' by the Games
Closed: A statue on the Olympic Park stands behind businesses with their shutters down
Closed: A statue on the Olympic Park stands behind businesses with their shutters down

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