Thursday 5 July 2012

Has Chris Patten been stooged for the agenda that Boris Johnson’s Big Biz Masters wish the BBC to market?

The Original diagnosis of the UK Media and  licensed Political Power in the UK as witnessed on Wednesday 04 July 2012.
By © Muhammad Haque.
The Contextual Commentary on the stooged politics in [and around]  the “Palace of Westminster”.
0800 Hrs GMT
05 July 2012.
The “political” coverage of the  day as exhibited on the “BBC London  TV” is more in the covering up of the truth rather than in the shedding of the light on the dark reaches of “authorised”  power across the London “Metropolis”.
So we saw BBC London Bulletins-fronter “Riz Lateef” [a  Boris-stooge] doing a sick-making  promo [1730 GMT Wednesday 04 July 2012] for the perpetrator of the latest slap by a “re-elected” Boris Johnson  on the face of the London public. 
If it wasn’t for the BBC London reporter who had compiled the factual item containing the various displays of  offensive ignorance by Stephen Greenhalgh about Policing, the token “question” put to him at the end of his promotional appearance on BBC London TV by Riz Lateef would not have been there. 
And I would be most keen to find out if Boris is already seeking to have Tim Donovan removed from the BBC London political Editor slot. Has Chris Patten been stooged for the agenda that Boris Johnson’s Big Biz Masters wish the BBC to market?
[To be continued]

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