Monday 14 May 2012

OTT-loud “QUIET MAN” who embarked on a [psychological] compensation “crusade” for his own rehabilitation after he had been ditched as the British NEO-CONS’ Party’s “leader”.

Compare and contrast the OTT-loud “QUIET MAN” who embarked on  a [psychological] compensation “crusade” for his own rehabilitation after he had been ditched as the British NEO-CONS’ Party’s “leader”.
He soon feigned a bleating plea to the effect that British Society  had broken down under “new labour” and that he was set to mend it. what he meant was that society “as we knew it”, did not deserve to exist and the neo-cons party were bent on smashing it to bits “as part of their rebuilding of Society” “programme”! 
The true British Neo Cons Party ideology is only now coming out. But the likes of the Guardian have failed to see through the Neo Cons agenda. as the following propaganda piece for IDS the Guardian web site retailed from the PRESS ASSOCIATION in 2007, shows.

The Guardian has never understood the sinister neo Cons Party agenda and has therefore allowed it more propaganda space than the assault ever  deserved.

0310 Hrs GMT London  Monday 14 May 2012

[To be Continued]

Let's fix Britain's broken society, urges Duncan Smith

Press Association
Tuesday 2 October 2007
16.14 BST
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith won a standing ovation at the party conference today as he urged activists to help him mend Britain's "broken society".
In an emotional unscripted speech, which was given a rousing reception by Tory supporters, Mr Duncan Smith told the prime minister: "British society is broken and it's time you admitted it.
"As much as Mrs Thatcher changed the economy, our duty now is to change society for the better."
Mr Duncan Smith, chairman of the Tories' social justice policy group, pointed to rising violent crime, drug and gang culture and family breakdown as evidence of a broken society.
Presenting his policy group's findings, he called for tax breaks to bolster marriage, reform of welfare benefits and an expansion of credit unions.
Labour, he said, wanted a general election to try and "destroy the Tory party once and for all".
This was the difference between the Conservatives and Labour parties. "They want power to destroy us. We must want power to rebuild Britain and care for British people."

AADHIKARonline retrieved   the following report of the the latest IDS assault on Society, from the London Daily Mail website at 0228 GMT Monday 14 May 2012:

Losing a limb won't mean a payout, says Work Secretary as half a million face losing disability benefits in clampdown on costs

Vow: Work and Pensions Secretary Ian Duncan Smith said losing a limb should not entitle people to a payout
Vow: Work and Pensions Secretary Ian Duncan Smith said losing a limb should not entitle people to a payout
Half a million people stand to lose disability benefits altogether under plans to save the taxpayer billions of pounds.
Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, has pledged to push ahead with controversial reforms that  will see two million claimants reassessed over the next  four years.
The cost of disability living allowance, which helps people pay for the extra costs of mobility and care associated with their condition, has ballooned in recent years to almost £13billion a year.
The DLA – which is worth up to £120 a week – will be replaced by a new, more stringent benefit called Personal Independence Payment.
All claimants will have to undergo a medical check – which does not happen in about half of cases at the moment. 
And there will be a drive to repeat the checks at intervals to ensure that those whose condition improves do not get payments for life.
Mr Duncan Smith added that losing a limb should not automatically entitle people to a payout.
Last night it emerged that the Department for Work and Pensions estimates that the scheme will cut benefit payments by £2.24billion a year – and lead to around 500,000 fewer claimants.
Mr Duncan Smith’s pledge to reduce the costs of DLA is separate from reform to incapacity benefit, which is for people who cannot work due to sickness. All sickness claimants are currently being reassessed.
The Work and Pensions Secretary said that the number of DLA claimants had risen by 30 per cent in recent years, ‘rising well ahead of any other gauge you might make about illness, sickness, disability’.
The new scheme could lead to those without limbs, including former soldiers, having their payments reduced if their everyday mobility is not undermined by their prosthetic limbs.
Controversial: The new proposals could see people - including wounded soldiers - who has lost a limb having their payments reduced if they retain good mobility
Controversial: The new proposals could see people - including wounded soldiers - who has lost a limb having their payments reduced if they retain good mobility
Mr Duncan Smith said: ‘It’s not like incapacity benefit, it’s not a statement of sickness. It is a gauge of your capability. In other words, do you need care? Do you need support to get around?
‘Those are the two things that are measured. Not “You have lost a limb”.’
The Coalition only just managed to get its disability reforms through the Lords, and protests are expected to continue as thousands of recipients are turned down. 
Mr Duncan Smith said of the growth in the cost of DLA: ‘A lot of that is down to the way the benefit was structured so that it was very loosely defined.
‘Second thing was that in the assessment, lots of people weren’t actually seen. They didn’t get a health check or anything like that.
‘Third problem was lifetime awards. Something like 70 per cent had lifetime awards, (which) meant that once they got it you never looked at them again. They were just allowed to fester.’
New eligibility criteria for the allowance will be announced in the autumn. Some of the more severely disabled claimants could receive higher benefits.
Each of the two million people of working age claiming the benefit will have to see a medical expert and everyone will have been assessed by 2016.
Reassessments of incapacity benefits claimants have revealed that many are fit to work and ministers now believe that many people are also being wrongly categorised as ‘disabled’ by the benefits system.
Mr Duncan Smith said: ‘It’s like incapacity benefit, we’ve got to be careful because these are vulnerable people.
‘It’s now just beginning to seep in what we are doing. There is all sorts of scaremongering going on about how we are getting rid of it, slashing it, cutting it. The reality is that for the most part that’s not true.’

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