Sunday 27 May 2012

Sayeeda Warsi: Another Ethnic Surrogate is exhibited as aiding and abetting the cause of racists...

0900 GMT Sunday 27 May 2012 AADHIKAROnline ORIGINAL DAILY ETHICAL Diagnostics:
Editor © Muhammad Haque
Another Ethnic Surrogate is exhibited as aiding and abetting the cause of racists who ca parade her as a thief who is a disgrace t the public office she was elevated to.
Citing a “journalism” piece as  a reference:

 From the London DAILY MIRROR GROUP  [“SUNDAY MIRROR”] website London

Sunday 27 May 2012

Cabinet Minister Baroness Warsi last night admitted breaking Parliamentary guidelines by failing to declare rent from a flat.
The Tory co-chairwoman also revealed she used taxpayers’ cash to pay a friend “hotel rates” to stay in his flat while builders were finishing work at her home.
The disclosures will pile pressure on the Baroness, who has already faced calls from Tory backbenchers to quit over her lacklustre performance as party boss.
Last night she apologised, blaming an “oversight” for her failure to declare rent from her North London flat in the Register of Lords’ Interests for more than a year. She claimed she had paid tax on the income.
Baroness Warsi, who became the first  Muslim woman to serve in the Cabinet in 2010, could now face sanctions from Parliamentary authorities.
The total sum she failed to declare is not known.
Peers are required to register any income or benefits of more than £500 a year.
The Baroness said she stayed at the home of Naweed Khan, now her special   adviser, and gave him “an appropriate financial   payment” to match what she was   spending on two hotels. Tory sources said she stayed for “eight to 12 nights”.
The Baroness said she told the Cabinet   Office she had the flat when she became a minister. She had the approval of the Cabinet Office and House of Lords   Leader to let it out when she went to another   property.
But she added: “Due to an oversight, for which I take full responsibility, the flat was not included on the Register of Lords’ Interests when its value and the rent received came to exceed the thresholds for disclosure.”

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