Sunday 13 May 2012

Hunger and starvation in London, May 2012

From the South London Press web site:

Struggling families get food handouts
Friday, 04 May 2012
WORKING families are being forced to go cap in hand to a food bank because the recession has forced them below the breadline.
Norwood and Brixton Foodbank is seeing hundreds of people each month asking for food parcels.
The charity, which runs from St Luke’s Church in Knight’s Hill, West Norwood, and St Paul’s Church in Ferndale Road, Brixton, has regularly fed more than 1,000 people since being set up in September.
It has given away more than seven tonnes of food to families in dire need.
The charity currently feeds 60 people a week but says that figure is rising as the full force of the Government’s cuts to benefit payments and cap on housing benefit take effect.
Hayley Gay said she was forced to ask for help when she realised she did not have enough money to feed herself and her two children.
The single mum, who works part-time in a pre-school and volunteers at the Norwood Foodbank said: “I’ve had to go to the Foodbank twice – in October and November last year.
“I didn’t want to go but I was at my wits’ end and in tears because I had rent to pay, council tax to pay and some huge energy bills and had no money for food. In the end my 13-year-old daughter said if I didn’t go we wouldn’t eat.”
Tim Boyce, chairman of the Foodbank’s management board said the situation was “terrible”.
He said: “The Norwood Foodbank was set up to help feed the homeless but within a couple of weeks we were also seeing young families, those who had jobs, and people who had just lost their jobs and could not afford their bills.
“Since we opened, we’ve seen a steady escalation of numbers and every month it’s growing.
“It’s terrible that in Britain in the 21st century we have families who cannot afford to eat and rely on these handouts.
“I am glad we are here, and we are very happy to be able to help, but it’s very sad.” The Brixton Foodbank is open on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm and Saturdays from 11am to 2pm.
The Norwood Foodbank is open on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm and Fridays from 10am to 2pm.
Visit for more details.

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