Tuesday 1 May 2012

Charles Clarke is exposed as a Cameron-backer & antidemocratic Bully

Muhammad Haque rebutting the latest antidemocratic propaganda by the London  EVENING STANDARD Tuesday 01 May 2012.

Is it by any chance the same Charles Clarke who was part of the electoral disaster when Neil Kinnock 
was in place as Labour Party leader?
Clarke is one of the fakers that have always abused the Labour Party for their petty careers.
The needs of the ordinary London people are as alien to Clarke as they are to Cameron and to Cameron's  “Bullyingdone” Club backers.
I would give Clarke the time if he could show any evidence to justify his Cameron-peddling presumptions to tell the electors of London that taking away the Society from them was a "good" thing. Which is what is happening already with ConDem. Boris is part and parcel of everything that Cameron and Osborne are about.
So why would Clarke even speak now unless he wanted to damage the rights of London people to stop the CONDEM Bullies’ assaults?
Is it possible that the Plan B  strategy that Murdoch is now working on includes the subsidiary  parts for 
careerist Blairing rejects who are overly keen to diss the residual democratic say that people are still just about entitled to?

Boris Johnson has been allowed far too much space by the STANDARD which will be forced to regret its abuse of “MEDIA” “power” that has been taking place over this particular poll scheduled for Thursday 03 May 2012.
The STANDARD must stop its abuse of its own proprietor’s slogan about “press” “freedom”.
1710 GMT
01 May 2012

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