Wednesday 2 May 2012

Champagne-fuelled racist rant on Central Line between St Paul’s and Mile End

From the Daily Mail web site:

Secretary told she faces jail after admitting champagne-fuelled racist rant on train that was filmed on YouTube 

  • Jacqueline Woodhouse, 42, abused passengers on the Central Line train
  • Film uploaded to YouTube has been watched 200,000 times

  • 'I used to live in England and now I live in the United Nations,' she said
  • Sikh man on his way back from funeral who filmed it, said he put it on YouTube to ensure speedy justice

A drunken secretary has admitted hurling racist abuse at fellow passengers on the London Underground after a video of her appeared on the internet.
Jacqueline Woodhouse, 42, directed a drunken, expletive-ridden rant at passengers on the Central Line between St Paul’s and Mile End stations on January 23.
The court was told that Woodhouse had drunk an 'unknown' quantity of champagne at a retirement party before getting on the Tube at 11pm.
She now faces jail, after police launched an investigation into a seven-minute long video of the verbal assault that was uploaded to YouTube.
Scroll down for video
Vile: A child in the Central Line carriage looks on as the woman continues her tirade of abuse
Vile: A child in the Central Line carriage looks on as Jacqueline Woodhouse hurls abuse at other passengers
Rant: The woman is caught on camera hurling racist abuse at her fellow passengers
Foul-mouthed: Woodhouse was caught on camera making racist remarks as she travelled on the Underground
It has since been viewed more than 200,000 times.
Today at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Woodhouse, of Romford in Essex, admitted causing harassment alarm and distress to the Sikh man who filmed her - Galbant Singh Juttla.
The video clip begins with Woodhouse shouting in a thick Essex accent about 'foreign s*** heads'.
She turns to her passengers and asks: 'Where do you come from? Where do you come from? Where do you come from?
'I would like to know if any of you are illegal? I am sure like 30 per cent of you are.'
She then turns on the Pakistani man sitting next to her, who is singing his national anthem, and threatens to 'punch him in the face.'
'I wouldn’t mind if you loved our country,' she adds.
She then turns to Mr Juttla's camera, as he assures her he would rather be listening to his music than to her.
Jacqueline Woodhouse at court
Galbant Juttla
Woodhouse pleaded guilty to one count of causing racially aggravated 'harassment, alarm or distress' by using 'threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour' after she was filmed by Galbant Juttla, right
'Oh look he’s filming, hello,' she says. 'Hello government.'
She goes on: 'Why don’t you tell me where you’re from?'
He replies: 'I am British.'
She gets her phone out of her black handbag and looks as if she is filming him too.
Mr Juttla warns her: 'Watch what you are saying.'
She replies: 'I used to live in England and now I live in the United Nations.'
As he tells her to keep her mouth shut, informing her that she has had too much to drink, she becomes extremely agitated and starts screaming.
'It’s not your country anyway so what’s your problem?' she yells. 'It’s been overtaken by people like you.'
The court heard that Mr Juttla decided to film Woodhouse after she started berating an unidentified black female. She then sat down between two men and began another barrage of abuse.
The woman jabs her fingers and appears aggressive on the seven-minute video
Woodhouse ignores the anger of other passengers as she continues her aggressive seven-minute tirade
Prosecutor Claire Campbell told the court: 'She then leaned towards the gentleman sitting next to her and said ‘I will have you arrested because you do not live here’.
'The male pushed her away and she fell on to the adjacent seat.
'She stated: "I hope you are not claiming benefits and I hope you pay your taxes".
'Mr Juttla responded: "I pay more taxes than you, love".
'Mr Juttla pulled the emergency alarm fearing an escalation of events and to enable her to be removed from the train.'
Single father of two Mr Juttla, from Ilford, Essex, had been attending a funeral of a close family friend that day.
Ms Campbell said Woodhouse went to Mile End police station following a media campaign.
Woodhouse told police she could not remember the rant but recognised it was her in the video.
She attended court today wearing a black suit and white shirt. She sat in the court with her brow furrowed and her head bowed as the magistrate was shown the video clip.
She makes dozens of deeply offensive remarks about migrants to the UK and about foreigners in general
Appalling behaviour: The court was told that Woodhouse had drunk an 'unknown' quantity of champagne at a retirement party before getting on the Tube at 11pm
Ms Campbell told the court that Woodhouse was fined following a similar offence on the Docklands Light Railway in December 2008.
Ms Campbell said Woodhouse verbally abused a male passenger while on a train to Stratford. She asked whether he had paid taxes, adding: 'I have had enough of it, why don’t they go back to where they come from?'
Outside court Mr Juttla, who runs a print company, said: 'I found it very distressing.
'I uploaded it to YouTube because I thought that was the fast-track process to catching this person.
'I also needed to show the public that kind of person is out there and not to put up with this kind of behaviour.
'My kids have seen the video and they are disgusted by it. They don’t expect for someone to shout abuse at their dad.'
Before officers asked him to take the video down, it had been watched 21,000 times. Since duplicates have been made, it has been watched by hundreds of thousands of people.
Rant: Police took Emma West into custody in December after a video (pictured) appeared on the internet showing a woman apparently abusing tram passengers
Spate of incidents: Police took Emma West into custody in December after a video (pictured) appeared on the internet showing a woman apparently abusing tram passengers
Mr Juttla added: 'She needs to be set an example of. People should look at what happens to her and say "we can’t behaviour like this in the public domain".'
Woodhouse pleaded guilty to one count of causing racially aggravated 'harassment, alarm or distress' by using 'threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour'.
The prosecution offered no evidence on one charge of racially aggravated common assault.
Adjourning sentence, District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe said: ‘Bearing in mind the level of abuse, the persistence of the abuse, the number of people on the train unable to leave without aborting their journey, and the children present, means that I think the court has to have a pre-sentence report.
‘I make it clear that all options are open to the sentencing court, including committal or immediate custody.’
The judge imposed stringent conditions banning her from the Tube network and she was ordered to keep to a daily curfew between 10pm and 6am, which will be monitored by electronic tag.
She will be sentenced at the same court on May 29.
The video emerged after a spate of similar clips were uploaded on to the internet. Emma West was charged with a racially aggravated public order offence in connection with an incident on a tram in December.
Another video called 'Welcome to London' showed a woman holding a pink rose on the London Underground as she abused passengers.
Another was of a drunk woman who tried to punch a black passenger on a London bus, but ended up falling over herself then being thrown into the street.

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