Sunday 15 April 2012

A uk govt bureaucracy candidate who wants to attack foxes seeks your vote!

The following comment has appeared about Siobhan Benita on the web site of the London daily newspaper the Independent.

"Her success seems to be to recruit you to the fantasy image that she now feels she must create for herself as a campaigner for the health service.

She started off [launched her so-called candidature] by banking on her backing for the third runway- just about the time when a strange item of news appeared to suggest that the ConDem Coalition might be about to do a U-turn and back a Third Runway!

Then campaigners against a Third Runway got active and she stopped talking about that!

She either has a problem with her memory or is even craftier than the others in the current contest.

Given that she is sponsored by gus o'donnell shows that she is the authorised candidate for the most antidemocratic part of the population.

She complains about lack of media spots yet she is getting much more than she has any right to expect. She has no hesitation in brazenly repeating her fantasies as if they were real!

You [the Independent] need to undergo a reality check as a newspaper on this. Stop mentioning her at all.

She is not worth the space.

0250 Sunday 15 April 2012"

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