Friday 13 April 2012

Muhammad Haque ethically advising Sarah Sands the Editor of the LONDON EVENING STANDARD on her duty to be seen to be being fair to BOTH sides...

Muhammad Haque ethically advising Sarah Sands the Editor of the LONDON EVENING STANDARD on her duty to be seen to be being fair to BOTH sides, Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson.


Labour bloggers today suggested that everyone in the film was in fact acting. A spokesman strenuously denied this.


If the above is the truth of the matter then it shows that the Labour Party bureaucracy may be being used to give credibility to the pro-Con propaganda.

Legally and constitutionally speaking, a party political broadcast is not and cannot be a sworn affidavit to the electorate. It is a party political broadcast. And as such it is, as it has to be “acted”. It is about general attitude. General being the operative word.

To be fair in your reporting and editorial agenda, you have to be seen to be probing the behaviour of the other side as assiduously as you have so far done about the Ken Livingstone side.

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