Thursday 26 April 2012

Muhammad Haque Commentary on the lack fo standards i the EVENING STANDARD [26 April 2012]

The retort to Boris as you report in the piece illustrates the poverty of substance in the "mayoral election" "journalism. How about the EVENING STANDARD dropping the practice of tokenistic journalism and starting to report London life daily regardless of an election?
HAD the EVENING STANDARD been listening to ordinary people across London and recognising the truth of every day items as opposed to following the irresponsible and the undemocratic agenda set [for the  the EVENING STANDARD] by unaccountable &  hidden sources, the the quality of journalism would really have been  high. 
It is a telling comment  that in the context of your [EVENING STANDARD] report,  Eliza Rebeiro’s comments were only being given the relatively serious space because she was present at an event staged by ITV. 
There are hundreds of thousands of similarly true and relevant comments being made daily by London  people that would improve the quality of life for all if those were recognised by the  EVENING STANDARD. 
How long must we wait for that to happen?
0505 Hrs GMT
26 April 2012

Boris Johnson accused of neglecting knife crime

Anger: Eliza Rebeiro
A teenage knife-crime campaigner who lost a close friend in a stabbing has accused Boris Johnson of neglecting the issue.
A TV audience watched the heated clash between Lives Not Knives campaigner Eliza Rebeiro, 18, from Croydon and the Mayor on the ITV debate. The row was sparked after Mr Johnson said knife crime had been “cut in half” in London since he took office.
Ms Rebeiro, a close friend of Wesley Sterling, who was stabbed to death in 2010 aged 16, shouted: “These people are not statistics.”
Mr Johnson told her: “Knife crime has been a massive priority for us. It wasn’t even measured by the previous mayor.” But Ms Rebeiro replied: “When you first started every campaign was about knife crime, that’s now stopped and knife crime has gone up.”
The Mayor made tackling knife crime one of his key pledges at the last election. He insisted the number of deaths as a result had been halved. His rivals claim knife crime overall has risen. Ms Rebeiro said: “The politicians don’t understand about the lives of people living in the city.”
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Muhammad Haque (Logout)
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Muhammad HaqueLess than a minute ago
The retort to Boris as you report i the piece illustrates the poverty of substance in the "mayoral election" "journalism. How about the EVENING STANDARD dropping the practice of tokenistic journalism and starting to report London life daily regardless of an election?
HAD the EVENING STANDARD been listening to ordinary people across London and recognising the truth fp every day item as opposed to following the irresponsible and undemocratic agenda set by unaccountable & hidden sources the the quality of journalism would really have been high. 
It is telling comment that in the context of your report, Eliza Rebeiro’s comments were only being given the relatively serious space because she was present at an event staged by ITV. 
There are hundreds of thousands of similarly true and relevant comments being made daily by London people that would improve the quality of life for all if those were recognised by the EVENING STANDARD. 
How long must we wait for that to happen?
0505 Hrs GMT
26 April 2012
daveowen998 hours ago
he doesn't want to do anything about knife crime because the increase in stop and search might offend doreen lawrence
Anonymous10 hours ago
saw boris in penge today, must say he didnt look like a man about to win the mayoral election, he looked like he was waiting to catch a petrol bomb,
Anonymous10 hours ago
Of course Boris has neglected this issue, just like he's neglected every other one of importance. Save the one that is to get his name and photo into the ES at each and every opportunity. Jeez, that's a full-time job in itself so no wonder he doesn't have time for anything else!
Anonymous13 hours ago
Boris is cutting the number of Police - just check.
1 reply
Anonymous12 hours ago
Will make no differnce with our wet so called justice system and out prisons are full with 10,0000 foreign ( non EU ) prisoners which Clegg will not deport with their families to their home country
Anonymous13 hours ago
Well its an endless task moping up Labour's broken Britain a bit like spinning plates as so much to do in every area .

And the wet Limp Dims do not help .
fr3kysnail14 hours ago
I saw this young lass last night. Very impressive: Did more damage to #MayorBoris, than Brian Paddick and the Green lady rolled into one.

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