Friday 27 April 2012

G Galloway certainly has not behaved as a virtuous Muslim would or should behave.....

0850 Hrs GMT
27 April 2012
Editor © Muhammad Haque

The “mainstream” “Media” “treatment” of the Bradford West Parliamentary by-election of March 2012 [], once again proves the vacuity of most “mainstream”  political journalism in the UK today.
This is most acutely shown in the displayed contents of the Daily Mail website which typically devotes a lot more space to the sub-porn or semi-pornographic  images that it could contrive around Jemima Khan than it does to any of the key political issues that affect Society and “Politics”  in the UK today.
No wonder then that the daily mail has got the facts messed up! 
As has the NEW STATESMAN. As indeed has jemima khan whose very strategically utilised  [by the new statesman] “by-line” is at the centre of the “revived row” over George Galloway's status vis a vis the faith of Islam.
It thus becomes necessary [not for the first time!!!] for  the AADHIKAR Media Foundation to put the factual pieces together and to say for the records that whatever George Galloway may claim - or  whatever may be claimed by others - to be George Galloway’s virtues in other areas of life, he certainly has not behaved as a virtuous Muslim would or should behave.
Secondly, he is  on the record as having DISTANCED himself from “the Muslims”, saying that the “Muslims” “hate us”, meaning his “Respect” group!
Thirdly, if Jemima Khan’s information is rock solid and the aforesaid George Galloway had indeed gone through a formal ceremony of “conversion” to “Islam” about 10 years or so ago then the same George Galloway must have gone through several other processes resulting in his statements, more than once on the record that he was not a Muslim and that he was a Catholic. His most widely publicised reference to his being a Catholic occurred in 2006 when he was “debating” against the now deceased Christopher Hitchens in the USA. 
[To be continued]

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