Thursday 19 April 2012

DAILY TELEGRAPH reports: Theresa May DID get date wrong

Mrs May ordered the rearrest and deportation of the extremist cleric on Tuesday morning, believing a time limit in which his lawyers could appeal against his removal had elapsed.

But yesterday, to the surprise of the Government, officials at the European Court of Human Rights said the deadline was 24 hours later and that it had received an appeal application from Mr Qatada’s legal team with an hour to spare.

Now it has emeged that under European guidelines for calculating deadlines in legal disputes the time limit actually ran out at midnight on Tuesday 17 April because it requires deadlines to run to corresponding days of the month.

However it is up to the Grand Chamber Panel to decide whether the referral was actually made in time.

Writing on his blog barrister and former government lawyer Carl Gardner said: "I think their view of the time-limit is correct. They’re in time, which is all that matters.

"To me, it argues in favour of seeing applicants as having a full, clear three calendar months in which to apply, i.e. three months after the date of the judgment.

"Such a period would begin the day after judgment and would last three full months expiring at midnight at the end of Tuesday 17th April. The appeal would be in time, on this reckoning."

Mr Gardner says recent case law in two appeals at the European Court of Human Rights also suggests the government is in the wrong.

"Both of which support Abu Qatada’s contention that the three-month period began on 18th January – the day after its judgment was pronounced – and so expired at the end of the 17th April," he added.

"To be fair to government lawyers (of whom I’ve been one), these time issues can be tricky. It often amazes non-lawyers that there can be confusion about questions like this, but one of the surprising things you learn at law school is that it’s not obvious how you calculate time."

Mr Gardner added: "Deciding not to arrest Qatada till Wednesday would not actually have prevented an appeal being made on Tuesday."

Today Mrs May was called before the House of Commons to answer an urgent question as the row over whether the Home Office blundered over dates deepened.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper asked whether the Home Office had clarified with the European Court of Human Rights exactly when the deadline for an appeal was.

It came after it emerged a journalist had raised the possible ambiguity with the Home Office on two separate occasions. Danny Shaw from the BBC suggested that the mix-up had occurred because it European time limits required them to run to corresponding days of the month.

Shadow home secretary Ms Cooper said: "When the Home Secretary is accused of not knowing what day of the week it is, then chaos and confusion has turned into farce."

She demanded to know whether the Home Office had clarified the deadline with the European court prior to the appeal being lodged.

Mrs May replied: "Of course the Government were talking to the European court throughout the three months and we were talking to them on the basis that the deadline was April 16."

In an hour-long session, the Home Secretary was also repeatedly asked whether she had received any specific advice that there was a possible conflict but would only repeat her insistence that the deadline was midnight on Monday.

Earlier Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke had claimed he could not see what the 'big deal was' after a potential blunder by the Home Office allowed the lawyers of Abu Qatada to lodge a last-minute appeal.

Should Europe be allowed to interfere in Britain's decison to deport Abu Qatada?

As the situation descended into chaos on the eve of a government-hosted conference in Brighton to reform European human rights laws, the Home Office was accused by Labour of potentially acting illegally by starting the deportation process apparently before the deadline had passed.

Today Mr Clarke described the outcry as 'hysterical angst' and said he was "sure the Home Office lawyers will sort it out."

"I am not quite sure what the big deal is," he added.

"This isn't unusual in legal proceedings. I'm quite confident the Home Office will sort it out, I'm leaving it to them, they are arguing the point," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

"I'm not party and I'm still not party to the Home Office legal advice. If I was the Home Secretary, I would probably be confident it was right.

"I know what the Home Secretary has said. It seems to me quite sound and she could well be proved right.

Tory MPs urged Home Secretary Theresa May today to deport "scumbag" terrorist Abu Qatada as soon as possible, even if it meant defying European judges.

Veteran Conservatives said the Government also needed to ditch the European Convention on Human Rights after Qatada launched an appeal against his deportation.

They said the Government needed to adopt a British Bill of Rights rather than trying to reform the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which could take years.

And Tory MP Charles Walker said Mrs May should defy the ECHR altogether and deport Qatada and other terrorists as soon as possible.

In an exchange with Mrs May, the MP for Broxbourne said: "You must not delay in getting this scumbag and his murderous mates on a plane out of this country. And in so doing would you send a metaphorical two fingers to the ECHR?"

In reply, Mrs May said the Government had tried to deport Qatada at the "first opportunity". Assurances from the Jordanian authorities that Qatada would not be tried on evidence obtained through torture meant ministers now had a "strong case".

Mr Walker's Conservative colleague Mark Spencer warned the saga risked painting the UK as a "safe haven" for terrorists.

And Father of the House Sir Peter Tapsell said it was time the UK "withdrew its legal processes from the jurisdiction" of the European courts.

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