Thursday 26 April 2012

Daily Telegraph reports: Leveson Inquiry: Jeremy Hunt faces calls to resign over ' illegal' News Corp advice

Leveson Inquiry: Jeremy Hunt faces calls to resign over ' illegal' News Corp advice

Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary, was on Tuesday night facing demands for his resignation after emails released by the Murdoch family disclosed that his office offered “absolutely illegal” advice to News Corporation executives.

Leveson Inquiry: Jeremy Hunt faces calls to resign over 'absolutely illegal' News Corp advice
Jeremy Hunt leaves the Department of Culture, Media and Sport in central London Photo: WARREN ALLOTT
In a series of disclosures on by far the most dramatic day so far of the Leveson Inquiry, the Cabinet Minister’s key political adviser was revealed to have given apparently confidential information on a regular basis over several months to a lobbyist working for James Murdoch.
At the time, Mr Hunt was acting in a “quasi-judicial” role charged with ruling on whether News Corporation could take over BSkyB, the satellite broadcaster.
In public, the Culture Secretary insisted that he was acting in an independent and impartial manner, but the release of the emails has led to allegations that he was privately colluding with the Murdoch family.
The emails were published on Tuesday as James Murdoch gave evidence at the inquiry.
The Prime Minister — who now faces the spectre of renewed accusations of Tory sleaze — is expected to come under intense pressure today to explain whether there was any conflict between his relationship with Mr Murdoch and the behaviour of Mr Hunt’s department.
Last night, Downing Street was forced to issue a statement saying that David Cameron had “full confidence” in the Culture Secretary. Mr Hunt strongly denied wrongdoing and warned against a “knee-jerk reaction” to the revelations.

Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, demanded his resignation. “Jeremy Hunt should have been standing up for the interests of the British people,” he said. “In fact, it now turns out he was standing up for the interests of the Murdochs.
“He cannot stay in his post. And if he refuses to resign, the Prime Minister must show some leadership and fire him.”
News Corporation released more than 170 pages of “evidence”, consisting of internal emails and text messages, detailing the company’s extraordinary efforts to lobby the Government. The emails largely contain messages sent by Frederic Michel, the head of public affairs, to James Murdoch and other senior executives at News Corp detailing his discussions with the Government. The company also released emails and text messages between Mr Michel and Adam Smith, Mr Hunt’s main special adviser.
In one message, Mr Michel detailed what the Culture Secretary would say to Parliament the next day on the BSkyB takeover, noting that it was “absolutely illegal” for him to obtain the information.
Another email, dating from January last year, reported Mr Hunt’s belief that it would be “game over” for opponents of the BSkyB takeover once plans to spin off Sky News into a separately listed company were announced. On Sunday, Jan 23 2011, he sent another email to James Murdoch, relating “a very constructive conversation with JH” which mentions a “plan” that would help create “game over for the opposition”.
Two days later, Mr Hunt said he was minded to refer the BSkyB takeover to the Competition Commission but delayed doing so while he considered proposed concessions from News Corp. Later that day Mr Michel emailed Mr Murdoch to say: “JH believes we are in a good place tonight.”

In total, there were at least 38 separate contacts between Mr Hunt’s office and News Corporation about the proposed deals. Some of the emails suggest that Mr Hunt’s adviser gave News Corporation’s lobbyist suggestions on dealing with the media regulator.
Although Mr Michel’s emails typically referred directly to him having spoken to “JH”, the lobbyist told the inquiry that this was shorthand for contacts with the Culture Secretary’s office — usually Adam Smith. However, Mr Michel also said in one email that Mr Hunt had told him to liaise with his special adviser. Mr Hunt had previously told Mr Murdoch he backed his bid but had received “very strong legal advice” that it would be improper for him to meet the media tycoon.
News Corporation abandoned the £8 billion bid in the summer of last year after the phone hacking furore at the News of the World.
The email exchanges dominated proceedings at the inquiry. Mr Murdoch insisted that the reference to the “absolutely illegal” advice being offered by Mr Michel was “a joke”. Whitehall lawyers and the parliamentary authorities are now expected to analyse whether the information transmitted to News Corporation was legal and ethical.
Should Jeremy Hunt resign?
In a statement on Tuesday night, Mr Hunt said: “Now is not a time for knee jerk reactions. We’ve heard one side of the story today but some of the evidence reported meetings and conversations that simply didn’t happen.
“Rather than jump on a political bandwagon, we need to hear what Lord Justice Leveson thinks after he’s heard all the evidence.”
He added: “I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible which is why I have today written to Lord Justice Leveson asking if my appearance can be brought forward.
“I am very confident that when I present my evidence the public will see that I conducted this process with scrupulous fairness.”

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