Thursday 5 April 2012

BHANGEELAAR! “No to executive mayor” Campaign on the Guardian web site shows the way forward for a democratic Society across the UK

BHANGEELAAR! “No to executive mayor” Campaign on the Guardian web site shows the way forward for a democratic Society across the UK

1130 [1120] [1110] Hrs GMT
05 April 2012

THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST AN ELECTED EXECUTIVE MAYOR IN TOWER HAMLETS is leading the call for a democratic halt to the assault on basic democracy that is occurring via the dictatorial executive mayor system being added across the UK
This latest original BHANGEELAAR! diagnosis, which has be caused by the ongoing ad emerging evidence of serious flaws in the "elected executive mayor" "system" in the name of London, also exposes the equally serious flaws and shortcomings in the BBC’s undemocratic agenda and performance

Here [below with a one-word editorial note being added] are the full texts of the BHANGEELAAR! comment published this morning on the Guardian web site.
The comment as always also contains original insights and in formation about the BBC’s launching of the ego called Jeremy Paxman. This revelation by BHANGEELAAR! now puts in context a ot of the failures that have bee massaged by the BBC as “successes and achievements”.
The BHANGEELAAR comment is another original and prodemocratic contribution for the rescuing of Society in Britain that faces an increasingly authoritarian take-over.

[BBC2] performance on Tuesday night was so poor is the fact that the BBC has been bankrupt in term s of covering prodemocratic activities in Britain. Assuming, that is, that a 'debate' is 'intended' to be prodemocratic.

The previous 'episode' that Newsnight had run four years ago was as futile.

As was the "Panorama” version fronted by David Dimbleby on BBC 1 literally days before polling day in 2008. So what is the answer to the BBC’s dismal political coverage.

When the BBC launched the cult of personality by featuring Jeremy Paxman on the cover of their own magazine, they showed that they were indifferent to their task: informing the UK public on important issues of democracy and society and the economy objectively accurately and impartially.
They were peddling an ego or rather they were manufacturing one.

Likewise, Tony Blair’s introduction of the antidemocratic "elected executive mayor" diversion is proving just as antidemocratic. And wasteful. In more ways than just money terms.

If the likes of the guardian can provide serious space and exposure in creating a democracy debate environment on a sustained basis, perhaps this, the British or the UK Society will begin to find a democratic answer to the logjam that is now closing in on communities, boroughs, and regions in Britain.

Is it too much to ask or too hard a task for the people to attempt to do?

One thing is certain: the BBC is not delivering a democratic news and documentary service. Nor is SKY NEWS. It is time for ordinary people to have our say. And fill the lethal void being created and deepened by the failures of the mainstream “mass communication media” often now denoted by the electronic ones such as the BBC, SKY and their lesser counterparts.

And have that SAY in a sustained, prominent and seriously centrally platformed way across the country.
Parliament doesn’t deliver. Councils do not deliver. Mayors abuse and digress and waste. And the people continue to pay for all those failures, betrayals and wastes.

0450 GMT

Thursday 05 April 2012



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