Tuesday 20 March 2012

Toulouse, France, shootings tragedy affects UK Society in a big way, says UK Peer on Sky News Monday

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque Daily Political Commentary about Monday 19 Mar 2012.

0120 [0050] Hrs GMT London Tuesday 20 March 2012.

The Only comment as shown on SKY NEWS Press Preview slots during the late evening of Monday 19 March 2012 that addressed the essence of the implications of the tragic shootings in Toulouse came from Victor Adebowale [who is officially also known as “Baron Adebowale, of Thornes in the County of West Yorkshire”], He linked it with the political atmosphere across western Europe generally and in the UK in particular where “far right” tendencies and views were being encouraged. He began by brining in a reference to a recent report by the UK MPs “Home Affairs” committee that had expressed concern abut the increase in pro-racist and far right movements in the UK. He said that the incident in Toulouse was a frightening one in that context. Referring to Sarkozy’s comments, he said that the tragedy was an international one.

[To be continued]

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