Thursday 22 March 2012

KHOODEELAAR! has been telling the RMT Trade union and others that Big Biz agenda scam Crossrail was not to be trusted. But RMT ignored warnings

2320 [2315] Hrs GMT



21 March 2012

Editor © Muhammad Haque.

KHOODEELAAR! the Campaign against the ”Big Business-agenda scam Crossrail hole assault on the Brick Lane onion E1 area...” Told the RMT Union fir tears that Crossrail was callous! WE did so every day.

But the RMT Union ignored our warning. as the rest of they ignorant, prejudiced bureaucracy, the RMT Union has behaved like another bureaucracy. They now bleat that Crossrail tunnel collapse is a major incident requiring investigation. We say to the RMT: get a grip and stop lying about Big Business.

Quit lying according to your selfish interests. Widen the vision and recognise that the community and the ordinary wider public knows better than your bureaucracy does o r ever will do.

So show due recognition to the and respect to the commentary and if you credibly honestly do this then TOGETHER the community and you working with the community can start what has been overdue for more than two hundred years in Britain Trade unions ceasing to be representative of vested interests and representing wider public interests.

Show that you are mature enough to stop being petty and selfish in the way that e have summed up here and then we can work together and beat big Business.

Beat the corrupting Cons and defend the best values for as genuine Society for whose establishment many selfless people over centuries have given so much of their talents, their imaginations and of their skills.

They have done so without ever asking for or expecting monetary or material gains for themselves.

They have a`been motivated a far more valuable and important return: the aim for the creation of a much needed JUST AND FAIR SOCIETY in Britain.

Get this now and we can still stop the Cons!

[To be continued]

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