Thursday 29 March 2012

Jacqui Smith's role as a sublime propagandist for the Blair-like 'status quo'

AADHIKAROnline summary of Jacqui Smith’s intimate thoughts,

as originally discerned from her utterances and appearances o “

media slots’ o TV channels in the past 24 hours.

As Edited by © Muhammad Haque

0610 Hrs GMT [0710 UK] London Thursday 29 March 2012.

I hear that down in the East End, many struggle to make ends meet. So they may even have to give the Games a miss. But I can’t wait for the Games. I ‘m with the Prime Minister [Cameron] on this. Ecstatic diversion from the common peoples worries. Last night I purred my Hockey Tickets excitement into my new best chum the Right-of-Thatcher propagandist Tory Iain Dale on Sky News Channel. They kindly put on plausibly phrased descriptions that didn’t make it too obvious that I share another sublime propaganda job with Iain Dale on LBC too! On to this morning when I shared my enthusiasm for the Games with Kate Garraway on the ITV DAYBREAK just under an hour ago..... Can’t wait for the fun of the Games...I have so many fulfilling slots on mainstream British broadcast Media outlets these days that I don’t know what I was doing pretending to be a politician. ......I have found my true calling now. Far more exciting than being a Cotswold teacher as well! And I slipped in a good word about my old mate Tony Blair as a naturally mingling ordinary sportsman too. Sorta like a peoples sportsman! Nobody could object. I don’t have to answer to Ed Miliband. Although I was thrilled to see him and Ed Balls and Rachel Reeves pop into one of the two Greggs outlets in my own constituency of Redditch last night!

[To be continued]

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