Saturday 17 March 2012

"Dave" as "Narak's" "new best pal"! That makes even the Daily Mail desperate for the sick bag!

Obama and Cameron share a laugh... and a love-in: Extraordinary display of back-slapping in official behind-the-scenes pictures of visit to U.S.

  • PM concludes three-day visit with Barack Obama by delivering controversial endorsement of four more years of his presidency



David Cameron concluded a three-day love-in with Barack Obama by comparing him with Theodore Roosevelt and delivering what was seen in the U.S. as a controversial endorsement of four more years of his presidency.

In another extraordinary series of exchanges between the two leaders, the Premier ladelled praise on Mr Obama for pressing the ‘reset button on the moral authority of the entire free world’.

In return, the President hailed Mr Cameron’s leadership and ‘commitment to dignity’, paying tribute to the way he and his wife Samantha contended with the death of their disabled son, Ivan, in 2009.

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Heard the one about the President and the PM? The pair laugh uproariously before a state dinner held in Mr Cameron's honour on Wednesday

Heard the one about the President and the PM? The pair laugh uproariously before a state dinner held in Mr Cameron's honour on Wednesday

Buddies: Mr Obama escorts his British counterpart onto Air Force One with a supportive slap on the back

Buddies: Mr Obama escorts his British counterpart onto Air Force One with a supportive slap on the back

Close: In another extraordinary series of exchanges between the two leaders, the Mr Cameron ladelled praise on Mr Obama for pressing the 'reset button on the moral authority of the entire free world'

Close: In another extraordinary series of exchanges between the two leaders, the Mr Cameron ladelled praise on Mr Obama for pressing the 'reset button on the moral authority of the entire free world'

Quiet moment: The two couples enjoy a chat on the White House balcony shortly before the state dinner

Quiet moment: The two couples enjoy a chat on the White House balcony shortly before the state dinner

Today the White House released a collection of photographs capturing the close relationship between the two men.

Making a toast to the Prime Minister at a White House banquet, Mr Obama said: ‘I will say something else, David: All of us have seen how you as a parent, along with Samantha, have shown a measure of strength that few of us will ever know.

'In all of our interactions including today I’ve learned something about David. In good times and in bad he’s just the kind of partner you want at your side.

‘I trust him. He says what he does and he does what he says. I’ve seen his character. I’ve seen his commitment to human dignity during Libya.’

Mr Cameron, also speaking at the dinner, delivered what the official transcript of the White House press corps said was ‘essentially an endorsement of another four years of Obama’.

Though aides denied the PM’s remarks had been intended that way, they will heighten controversy over his failure to meet any of the Republican candidates for the presidency during his visit. The Conservatives and the Republicans are traditionally aligned.

Official record: Mr Cameron signs the White House guest book in the Oval Office as Mr Obama beams

Official record: Mr Cameron signs the White House guest book in the Oval Office as Mr Obama beams

Big welcome: Mr Obama introduces the Camerons to the star-studded audience during the state dinner

Big welcome: Mr Obama introduces the Camerons to the star-studded audience during the state dinner

Entertained: Actor George Clooney (right) enjoys the music of Mumford & Sons alongside the Obamas and Camerons after the state dinner

Entertained: Actor George Clooney (right) enjoys the music of Mumford & Sons alongside the Obamas and Camerons after the state dinner

Allies: But Mr Cameron failed to meet any of the Republican candidates for the presidency during his visit

Allies: But Mr Cameron failed to meet any of the Republican candidates for the presidency during his visit

Mr Cameron said: ‘There are three things about Barack that really stand out for me: Strength, moral authority and wisdom. Strength because Barack has been strong when required to defend his national interests. Under President Obama’s leadership, America got Bin Laden.’

Mr Cameron said Mr Obama had renewed the moral leadership of the U.S., and compared him with President Roosevelt, one of the most reforming presidents of the 20th century who established the principle that the U.S. wields soft power around the world and was the first American to win the Nobel Prize.

‘He has pressed the reset button on the moral authority of the entire free world,’ the Prime Minister said, adding: ‘Barack, it is an honour to call you an ally, a partner and a friend.’

Mr Cameron was criticised back in Britain by Tory MP Nadine Dorries, who said: ‘When Obama made a visit to Britain in the build-up to a general election he was courteous and met with the then leader of the opposition, David Cameron.

First ladies: Mrs Cameron and Mrs Obama catch up as bright sunshine fell on the White House gardens on Wednesday morning

First ladies: Mrs Cameron and Mrs Obama catch up as bright sunshine fell on the White House gardens on Wednesday morning

Side-by-side: Mr Cameron said Mr Obama had renewed the moral leadership of the U.S., and compared him with President Roosevelt

Side-by-side: Mr Cameron said Mr Obama had renewed the moral leadership of the U.S., and compared him with President Roosevelt

Walkabout: Both leaders paid tribute to relations between Britain and the U.S.

Walkabout: Both leaders paid tribute to relations between Britain and the U.S.

Down to business: Among the items on the agenda were Afghanistan, Syria and the extradition treaty between Britain and the U.S.

Down to business: Among the items on the agenda were Afghanistan, Syria and the extradition treaty between Britain and the U.S.

‘It’s a pity the PM couldn’t return the same courtesy to the key candidates of the Republican party during his visit in the run-up to the U.S. elections. It’s also puzzling that he chose to make a political endorsement during a state visit.’

A No 10 source said: ‘You would expect David Cameron to speak highly of the President. They have a very good relationship. But on a political level we remain neutral.’

Talking about the White House banquet later, Mr Cameron said: ‘I had the First Lady on my right, and she had George Clooney next to her. That’s tough competition!’

Among the British guests at the dinner were Damian Lewis, currently starring in the President’s favourite TV programme Homeland, and his actress wife Helen McCrory, Downton Abbey star Hugh Bonneville and Sir Richard Branson.

Catching up: Before they got down to business, Mr Obama and Mr Cameron posed together in the Oval Office

Catching up: Before they got down to business, Mr Obama and Mr Cameron posed together in the Oval Office

Huge grin: The relaxed U.S. president at ease during Wednesday evening's prestigious event

Huge grin: The relaxed U.S. president at ease during Wednesday evening's prestigious event

Burgeoning bromance: U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron look pally at a basketball game in Ohio on Tuesday

Burgeoning bromance: U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron look pally at a basketball game in Ohio on Tuesday

Video: Obama and Cameron toast each other

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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I would have been the first to sniff a rat but I think these two couples DO get on. And it's better that they do isn't it? - Jo, The Royal Borough of Hackney Land, London

If they do it can only be because obama hasn't been told cameron is from britain. He must think he is from france, because everyone knows he hates the british.

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Nice for them both living in the lap of luxury whilst the people get poorer and poorer. The spend our money on wars and then tell us there is no money for health or services. Well it's our money not theirs and they are a pair of parasitic leeches who don't give monkeys about ordinary people, just the rich and famous. We are being run by the multinationals, the banks, the arms industry, this pair are just their lackeys taking their orders, and there is no democracy.

Well they say if you've got it flaunt it, what have they got - Money, Power, Free luxury travel & accommodation, expensive gifts, waited on hand and foot, oh almost forgot - A totally insensitive attitude to their nations who are suffering under their lack of leadership.

" Call me limbo Dave" comes to mind.It is easy to see why Obama is fawning him to make sure he will take Britain to another abyss...Notice Obama did not praise Britain or the British people -it has just been personal pointed praise on our PM. The US needs another way to acquire oil and Britain is acquiring potential oil on tap in the South Atlantic with potential confrontation not only with Argentina but also oil rich Venezuela -a confrontation the US would relish to get Chavez out of the way.Politicians think on many levels it is rarely the obvio

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