Monday 26 March 2012

Almost exactly two years and two weeks ago, the DAILY MAIL had plugged the same SAM CAMERON whom they are mocking today!

0800 Hrs GMT



26 March 2012.

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical, Moral Commentary on the latest exposed state of selfish "politics and power grab" culture exhibited around the "Cash-for-private-access to the Camerons" confessions!

Almost exactly two years and two weeks ago on Saturday, the DAILY MAIL had plugged the same SAM CAMERON whom they are mocking, nay, almost pitying, today!

The publishing behaviour of the DAILY MAIL sums up, once again, the crude, the cruel and the crass agenda that both the DAILY MAIL pursues and the CONSERVATIVE Party follows: selfish, lacking in compassion. The lack of compassion brought into sharp focus by the CONDEM Collusion’s attacks on the old, the frail and the vulnerable in the Big-wealth-owners-backing Budget uttered by Cameron’s Bullyingdone co-assailant George Osborne only a week earlier.

The episode in the long running historic scandal of the “British Establishment” being deeply sunk in immortally, institutional and strategic corruption at the expense of ordinary “British” people is one which must serve as a warning to the CONS’ supposed “opponents” waiting in the wings for THEIR own "deserved" [!!!!!] return to power, to do the same! As soon as they are “secure” in post, that is! DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO assume that life will g on being “wonderful:” once in power, again! Be honest. Be decent. Above all, be compassionate to the people, the ordinary people in whose name you seek, grab and cling on to power for as long as you can “manage” to do so. The FUTURE may bring a surprise! And even in Britain, the zombified masses may yet find the spur and strike truly and in a lasting way for democracy. The foundations of the Palace of Stooges at Westminster may not even be necessary to be rocked [cf: Guy Fawkes]. SOCIETY may, yet, offer the Open parliament for open democracy and the very overdue democratic verdict for the legitimate consigning of all the crooks, the liars and the charlatans posing now and for too long [over the centuries that have followed that physical critique Guy Fawkes represented] as the peoples’ representatives and as the peoples’ “rulers” to the deep dustbin of history that hey have deserved but have managed to avoid for so lng. A pro-democracy Spring may, yet, happen even in the over-disenfranchised remainder of Society in Britain! And that Spring will more likely come because the corruption and the selfishness became too much for decent, hard working, hard-deprived, hard-denied ordinary people to watch and bear.

[To be continued]


Enter SamCam, the Tories' new poll weapon (and guess what: she can't wait to tell us about life with Dave)


He is definitely not perfect - and in fact can be very irritating - but he, you know, he never lets you down.

This is the 'real' David Cameron, as defined by his wife Samantha.

In her first ever TV interview, Mrs Cameron lifts the lid on life in the Tory leader's household.

Samantha Cameron gives her first TV interview to Trevor McDonald as part of his David Cameron special tomorrow

Samantha Cameron gives her first TV interview to Trevor McDonald as part of his David Cameron special tomorrow

'Dave', as she calls him, makes a 'terrible mess' in the kitchen, rarely picks up his dirty clothes and is constantly irritating her by flicking TV channels.

But he is also a 'fantastic' father, and Mrs Cameron declared: 'I can honestly say that I don't think he has ever let me down.'

Her chatty ITV interview, which is peppered with the words 'you know', 'really' and 'sort of', will air tomorrow as part of the show Trevor McDonald Meets David Cameron.

It follows a decision to deploy 'SamCam', as she is known to her friends, as the Tories' secret weapon in the general election.

Sarah Brown is also playing a more prominent role than spouses in previous campaigns.

Until now, Mrs Cameron has avoided the limelight, preferring not to give interviews. But with the two main parties so close in the polls, she announced over the breakfast table recently that she would like to hit the campaign trail, according to her husband.

Samantha grabs a quick kiss from her husband as the couple film the Trevor McDonald special

Samantha grabs a quick kiss from her husband as the couple film the Trevor McDonald special

And so it did not take long before she was telling a TV camera all about life with the man who would be prime minister.

'He's definitely not perfect and like any husband he has lots of very irritating habits,' she revealed. 'I'd say one of the brilliant things about him is he loves cooking. But he, you know, he makes a terrible mess. He is not very good at clearing up as he goes along.

'He is not very good at picking up his clothes. He's a terrible channel flicker. I have to be quite firm about him not fiddling with his phone and his Blackberry too much, cos it can be, you know, quite annoying.'

But Mrs Cameron added: 'He's a fantastic dad. [The children], they really make him laugh. They've got a fantastic sense of humour.

'And I think their weird and wonderful sort of take on life he finds very relaxing. It's a real kind of antidote to the kind of challenges in the office.'

The couple have two children, Nancy, six, and Arthur, four. Their six-year-old disabled son Ivan died last year.

Mrs Cameron, creative director of Bond Street stationers Smythson, said: 'We do have, you know, very different jobs. I work in retail and fashion. And he is, you know, he works in politics.

'But we talk a lot at home. His job is fascinating, so when he, you know, when he comes home for supper, there's always lots to talk about.'

The pair smile as they leave the television studios following the interview

The pair smile as they leave the television studios following the interview

Mrs Cameron added: 'And I think like most men he is, you know, he likes watching Westerns and all three of the Godfather films sort of again and again and again.'

Describing how the couple first got together, in 1992, Mrs Cameron, 38, said: 'I was 21 and an art student in Bristol and he was 25 and worked for the Government. And it was a sort of holiday romance.'

She had been invited by her friend Clare, Cameron's younger sister, to join them on a family holiday to Calabria, Italy.

'He was quite different from any of my friends and anyone who I'd sort of met before,' she said. 'And I found him really fascinating.'

After a two-year relationship they were engaged. 'I was very young, I was only 23,' she said.

'But I think I felt fairly confident that, you know, Dave was the one for me, for lots of reasons. He's a very strong kind of reliable person.

'We've been together 18 years now and we've been through some, you know, fairly tough times and I can honestly say that I don't think in all that time he's ever let me down. And he's always been incredibly strong and kind and supportive.'

There have even been suggestions that the prospect of living in the Downing Street bubble holds little allure for the working mother.

But Mrs Cameron insisted she had been 'very encouraging' about her husband's decision to enter the leadership contest for the Tories in 2005.

'It's a big commitment,' she said. 'But I really felt he was right for the job. I thought he had the right views, he had the passion and the drive.

'Ever since the day I met Dave, he has obviously taken his job very seriously and he loves politics, and I think so much the Dave that I first met and fell and love with is Dave the politician.

'If he did become prime minister I would be incredibly proud of him. And, and our life would change, you know, and that is daunting and I'm sure we would have to make sacrifices.

'But for me personally it would be a huge honour to do everything that I possibly could to support him and make sure that he could do the job to the very best of his abilities.'

Trevor McDonald meets David Cameron is on ITV1 tomorrow at 10.15pm.

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