Friday 3 February 2012

SIX years ago KHOODEELAAR! exclusively branded Chris Huhne a plonker!

SIX years ago KHOODEELAAR! exclusively branded Chris Huhne a plonker!

AADHIKARonline as published on Tuesday 19 September 2006

BRIGHTON POSTCARD! Crossrail Chris Huhne! What a plonker! He is claiming that his ‘party’ is almost ready to grab the formal political power in the UK! Does that make him a plonker?

The Muhammad Haque Daily Political Commentary 1700 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 19 September 2006 No, it doesn’t! except that Chris the obscenely overrated Huhne is not capable of understanding the full facts of office. Not as far as any legitimate claim he may make to being different from the lying Blairing regime or the creepy Cameron variety. Chris Huhne hasn’t got the moral integrity to claim that he deserved the trust of the people any more than any of the incumbents in various offices of the UK state do… So what is the link? The link is that a few months back, before they plunged into the latest annual grotesque indulgence of the summer recess, the so-called MPs including Huhne got into an exchange of sorts. According to the sources that Khoodeelaar! regularly examines as part of our constitutional law work against Crossrail, we came across what looked like Huhne’s having made a small statement about Crossrail. Literally, that published statement was incredibly fudgy and confusing. It showed Huhne's lack of the requisite knowledge of the subject. Or his statement was so mercilessly misstated that it immediately warranted a fact-checker communication. Without checking the alleged facts about his utterance, we would not be commenting on what he had to then say about Crossrail or about the macro economy. Or about the wider environment of planet earth. . As is the established ethical tradition of this KHOODEELAAR! campaigning publication, we wrote to Huhne. Asking him to first of all confirm the attributed statement. And then we would have followed up with a few original questions about the Crass role that his so-called leadership had played in plugging for the CRASSRAIL project. So what did Huhne have to say? Nought. He did not even bother to acknowledge the communication. Far less to show any appreciation of the fact that we took the trouble to ask him to confirm the statement… Now what does that show? Does that show that Huhne bothers about what he must have been given to believe a small local grouping in the East End of London? Or does it show that he is so up-to-date with what the WHOLE community of people across the UK is on about that he does indeed deserve to be taken very seriously as the man that should be in charge of making mega decisions on behalf of the people on the matters of serious environmental and economic and social import? [To be continued]

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