Monday 20 February 2012

Reopened Blackfriars Tube station in London exposes the liars peddling HS2 on top of Crossrail. Now Scrap HS2 and intelligently use EXISTING transport

Blackfriars the refurbished Tube station in central London reopened today, exposes the Big Biz lies of the peddlers of Crossrail agenda. Now SCRAP HS2 and show respect for the EXISTING infrastructure resources across London and the South East of England.

1420 Hrs GMT London Monday 20 February 2012.

By © Muhammad Haque.

The ITV London [the regional “news” slot] reported in the past 25 minutes at [appx] 1400 GMT today the reopening of the Blackfriars Tube station in London.

Crossrail-backer Boris Johnson too was bragging of the “Scandinavian airport”-like cleanness of the refurbished Blackfriars station!

What neither ITV London said nor Boris had the decency to admit was what the Khoodeelaar! “No to Big Biz agenda scam Crossrail hoe assault...” Campaign has been saying for 8 years.


Exclusively. And what Khoodeelaar! has been vindicated by all relevant independent studies, research findings and contextual events. And by the movement and state of the “London” “Economy”. That the EXISTING transport infrastructure in London was far more important and useful than the hyped up, Big Biz agenda scam Crossrail.

Or the latest item of monumentally DAFT DfT idiocy, HS2.

The ignorance of those [currently typified in the person and the absurd utterances of Boris Johnson, who have peddled the Big Biz agenda Crossrail PR, hype and OTT lies for petty careeristic opportunistic “reasons”] gets exposed every single time there is anything like a near truthful recognition of the valuable EXISTING transport [contextually in the main the railway railway] infrastructure in London. All that infrastructure needs is proper maintenance, upgrade and improvement.

That is true sustainability and it is genuinely much more economic, cost-effective and "value for money", recession or no recession.

Will the currently “new” contender Ken Livingstone have the modesty to admit this, at last?

[To be continued]

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