Thursday 16 February 2012

Get me some action against the wrong doers. NOT another "damning report" "NEWS"!

Get me some action against the wrong doers. NOT another "damning report" "NEWS"!

© Muhammad Haque damning the drafters of the “Damning Reports” News and running orders in the mainstream newsrooms:

1340 [1325] Hrs GMT



16 February 2012

Where is that "Damning" report? Given the "Mainstream Media" propensity to use this idiotic phrase "Damming Report" whenever there is another de facto admission [by enquiry or by default almost always following huge efforts by the victims and by ordinary people with nothing to gain personally except some sort of justice, some sort of vindication] by one or the other of the agencies allegedly admitting to their latest wrongdoings and failures, the "Mainstream Media" starts the "news item" pegged to that "finding" by saying scripted formula words and then including the phrase " Damning Report". That then is the end of their "coverage". Damning who? Definitely not the perpetrators as most of them never get the sack or held to account in any way that can be recognised as any "action". let alone deserved action.. I have more to say about this centrally corrupting "tradition" of "damning reports" that in fact and reality damn the victims and the ordinary people who are denied, violated and whose lives and livelihoods are destroyed...

[To be continued]

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