Friday 10 February 2012

CORRUPTION is at the centre of Cameron's CONDEM agenda! “Abysmal” Emma is "untouchable" as colluder Cameron shields her!

Fury as Cameron's families tsar gets £8.6m in ONE YEAR (and the bulk of it comes from taxpayer)

  • MPs question why firm continued to win contracts despite 'abysmal' record
  • Emma Harrison - who lives in a 20-bedroom 'posh commune' with 11 friends - paid herself huge dividend from A4e


Last updated at 12:57 PM on 10th February 2012

The woman appointed by David Cameron to get problem families back into work pocketed £8.6million last year – most of it from the taxpayer.

Emma Harrison - who lives in a 20-bedroom 'posh commune' with 11 close friends and their families - paid herself the huge dividend from her firm A4e, which makes all its UK income from state contracts.

The payout is up 300 per cent on the year before even though MPs say the company’s record on job schemes is ‘abysmal’.

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron
Emma Harrison, Founder and Chairman of A4e

Training fortune: Emma Harrison, who was appointed by David Cameron in 2010 to help get problem families back into work, paid herself an astonishing £8.6m in a dividend from her firm A4e last year

Labour’s Margaret Hodge described the fees paid to A4e as ‘an outrage’. Another Labour MP said the dividend was a reward for failure.

Mrs Harrison was made ‘families champion’ in December 2010 to advise on getting 120,000 troubled households in work.

Her boast that she could find jobs for the long-term unemployed won her a string of lucrative Whitehall contracts.

She became even more prominent in the aftermath of last summer’s riots and, in December, the Prime Minister hailed her as an inspiration.

Home: Thornbridge Hall is a sprawling 20 bedroom Gothic Mansion in Derbyshire's Peak District

Home: Thornbridge Hall is a sprawling 20 bedroom Gothic Mansion in Derbyshire's Peak District

‘She has real ambition for these families and I know we can count on her to help drive this campaign forward,’ he said.

The dividend is especially embarrassing for Mr Cameron because he has called on firms dependent on taxpayer money to exercise ‘restraint’ at a time of austerity.

Labour MP Julie Elliott said: ‘David Cameron claims he believes there should be no such thing as reward for failure.

Abysmal record: MPs were told that Mrs Harrison's firm A4e had missed its target of getting 30 per cent of people on the previous 'Pathways to Work' programme into a job only managing a paltry success rate of just 9 per cent

Abysmal record: MPs were told that Mrs Harrison's firm had missed its target of getting 30 per cent of people on the previous 'Pathways to Work' programme into a job only managing a success rate of nine per cent

‘But today it emerges one of his own advisers has rewarded herself dividends worth millions of pounds despite the abysmal record her company has for delivering government contracts.

‘This case raises serious questions over the credibility of this Government when it comes to ensuring there are no rewards for failure.’

Details of the massive payment were revealed during a hearing of the Commons public accounts committee into the Government’s flagship Work Programme.

Fair pay? A spokesman for A4e claimed Mrs Harrison's payout was in line with that of a successful entrepreneur who took risks

Fair pay? A spokesman for A4e claimed Mrs Harrison's payout was in line with that of a successful entrepreneur who took risks

A4e is one of the main contractors and receives payments for helping the long-term unemployed find a job. Half of its work is subcontracted to charities, generating millions in management fees.

MPs voiced astonishment at the size of the payment to Mrs Harrison, and questioned why the firm had continued to win contracts despite the ‘abysmal’ record.

The company even received a share of £63million in ‘termination fees’ when the DWP ended a previous back-to-work programme in which the firm was involved and replaced it with a new one.

MPs were told that A4e had missed its target of getting 30 per cent of people on the previous ‘Pathways to Work’ programme into a job. The committee heard the success rate was 9 per cent.

The company last night claimed a 24.2 per cent final figure.

Despite missing its targets the firm was taken on to run five lucrative contracts.

Mrs Hodge, Labour chairman of the committee, described the fees as an outrage. She said the dividend payment contrasted sharply with the ‘meanness’ the company displayed toward the charities that carry out much of its work.

During terse exchanges with the firm’s chief executive Andrew Dutton, she said: ‘You and Emma Harrison have to accept that there will be a different interest in the remuneration and profits made because the profits you make come from the taxes that ordinary, hard-working people pay.’

Tory MP Steve Barclay said the size of the payment raised serious questions about whether the public was getting value for money from the Work Programme.

He questioned whether the Department for Work and Pensions should continue paying management fees that are not linked to performance.

‘It’s not A4e’s fault if they get paid for poor delivery. What matters is whether we are getting value for money. That is why we need change,’ he added.

Mr Dutton defended the vast payout to Mrs Harrison, saying: ‘The dividends we pay to shareholders reflect the personal risk that they have.

‘Having owned a company for over 21 years, at times they have had to effectively put their own homes and mortgages on the line.’

In a statement last night A4e said that although it had missed its targets its performance was better than the industry average.

A spokesman said Mrs Harrison’s payout was in line with that of a successful entrepreneur who invested and took risks.


Opulent: Mrs Harrison shows off her lavish mirrored music room

Opulent: Mrs Harrison shows off her lavish mirrored music room

She calls her 20-bedroom mansion a posh commune – with good reason.

Emma Harrison shares the Gothic pile with husband Jim and their four children as well as with 11 close friends and their six children.

Talking about the unusual arrangement, she has said: ‘Why on earth would I like to live like a princess in an ivory tower, it would just be ridiculous. I share my money. Me and my husband have managed to be successful financially and my friends have done other things. Between us it’s a team effort.

‘They often call me the donkey, when I complain that I’m knackered they just say, “Go on donkey, go back to work.” It’s the running joke between us all.’

The families pay into a kitty for bills and groceries, but Mrs Harrison covers any shortfall. There is a pool of cars for communal use, including a BMW, Audi, Mercedes and a Subaru.

The Peak District house, which cost £5million a decade ago, comes with a butler, two lakes and 100 acres of land. The family rents it out for film shoots, corporate events, weddings and private celebrations.

Mrs Harrison, who speaks with her native South Yorkshire accent, is something of a rags-to-riches story. She grew up in Nigeria and Sheffield, the family moving wherever her father’s training company took them.

After achieving ‘mediocre A-level results’ in Sheffield, she gave up on her dream of being a doctor and studied engineering at Bradford University.

At the age of 23, her father left England for Germany, putting his daughter in charge of the training company.

The collapse of the steel industry in Sheffield allowed her to pioneer ‘training solutions’ for unemployed mill workers.

By 1991, she had founded Action for Employment, which later became A4e.

She is now worth an estimated £70million, putting her at 968 on The Sunday Times rich list. A4e is worth £80million, with her stake put at £68million.

Her wealth has given her the best in life and, while searching for her dream home in 2002, she told estate agents to ‘Think Chatsworth House’.

The estate agent thought she was a time-waster but her home bears many similarities to the Duke of Devonshire’s enormous pile in Derbyshire.

‘I had visited the house as a kid on a course to learn Russian when it was an educational study centre and I loved it,’ she said. ‘I used to imagine myself sweeping down the stairs in a long red dress. So I bought it.’

Around the same time, she also bought a £3million mews house in central London, and a £75,000 holiday home near Skegness.

Her husband, whom she married in 1993, is also a businessman and set up the successful Thornbridge Brewery a few years ago.

In 2006, she was filmed for the Channel 4 programme Secret Millionaire.

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