Wednesday 25 January 2012

What can it mean for Society when a Mick Jagger spurns a David Cameron? And a Boris Johnson, “to boot”?

2012 [2000] [1935] Hrs GMT London Wednesday 25 January 2012:

Editor© Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR Media Foundation exclusive diagnostics on the state of ethics morality and political economics in the UK today

What can it mean for Society when a Mick Jagger spurns a David Cameron?

And a Boris Johnson, “to boot”?

As if to complete the statement, Jagger’s emphatic rejection of both the rivals in the current Con Gang says that at least the “aged” Rock Star is not impressed by either.

And coming as the news does in a week which still showing more pro-Con “op poll results” than anything the late Ralf Miliband’s surviving family may be celebrating, it is quite possible that Cameron’s over-confident tenure may indeed be coming to an end.

At least in terms of “electoral” propaganda and related brainwashing of the mass of “swinging voters”.

Whether this translates into a vigorous, sustained and genuinely pro-democratic, pro-justice revival in the psephological prospects for any Opposition grouping or movement in the UK is quite a different matter. Especially in a country that constitutionally speaking [like when the now fast discarded concept of “sovereignty” is invoked in relation to the “equation” across “the pond”] remains strangely prostrate at the feet of the mythical “most powerful Nation on earth”, the USA.

David Miliband’s itemised flaws do not include any doubt on his part about the “superiority of the USA”. So what could Miliband actually offer?

He could do a lot worse this week than really reflect on the comparative neatness with which someone like Mick Jagger has sent BOTH Cameron and Johnson packing!

It must be one of those occasions when Miliband must be wishing he had pursued at least in his formative years a career on some sort of stage so that he could use the collected "Pop artiste" image as a weapon to use against the inexplicably “dominant” CON poll presence!

Perhaps it isn’t who Mick Jagger is that has made the point. It is most likely the fact that unlike Miliband, Jagger has expressed a coherent contempt for the Nasty party duo!

And the fact that Jagger’s expressed contempt for the Con duo is something that has wider resonance with the public than is the case with a Miliband Opposition.

Miliband is identified as a pliant ramp that is earnestly engaged in showing how many things it agrees on with the Nasty party agenda-promoting CONDEM Collusion.

When most ordinary people are feeling the pinch, when most of the UK Society is being reduced to shades of the Dark ages before civilisation was recognised in the setting up institutions and agencies like the NHS and the semblance of social security denoting measures of civility, fairness and audit, David Miliband is not sinking in the public’s view because of his lack of knowledge. He is sinking because of his lack of identity.

Is he a Tory?

Or is he with the people suffering the brunt of the Tory onslaught being facilitated by a dying Lib Dems who must use the life raft of the Con-Dems Collusion?

[To be continued]

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