Saturday 21 January 2012

“No to an elected executive mayor” CAMPAIGN comments on the latest convicted fraudster Councillor


The Campaign against an executive elected mayor in Tower Hamlets

[Calling for a NO to elected mayor since 06 February 2010]

“No to an elected executive mayor” CAMPAIGN comments on the latest convicted fraudster Councillor

The following comment was prompted by a piece published on the former "East London Advertiser" and was posted within a very short time on the same web site [three typing errors have been corrected in the version below]:

Our Movement has called for the sacking and or resignation and or the lawfully implemented removal for life from office of ALL wrongdoing occupants or wannabe occupants of public office in the area covered by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Please do bear in mind the fact that ALL councillors and others "elected" to publicly paid for positions in Tower Hamlets have been silent on all those issues. The fact that they are just beginning to open their mouths is not good enough. To be a fraudster is not any worse than being a colluder and tolerator of fraudster.

Shelina AkhtarAkterAktar is not the first Tower Hamlets Councillor who has been caught out over Council tax benefits abuse and in the present case, theft.

There are OTHER frauds and abuse. The worst fraud is of course the one that most people appear to leave out of the list. That fraud is the ritualistic fraud that is given a "legitimate image and label". It is called council election [and or by-election]. What the candidates say at the door when canvassing for votes they totally forget for years.

What the councillors and the voters do about that fraud is the question that we are campaigning on this week and for the next years.

Councillors who are not yet convicted as criminals but are tolerating crimes of mass negligence by the local Council must be held to account.

Do they have the honesty and the conscience to face the audit?

BHANGEELAAR! The Campaign against an executive elected mayor in Tower Hamlets [Calling for a NO to elected mayor since 06 February

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