Thursday 5 January 2012

Muhammad Haque on POVERTY CREATION in the UK

REITERATING the diagnostic commentary by Muhammad Haque on POVERTY CREATION in the UK, published in August 2006. It is just as valid today, Thursday 05 January 2012.
The [London] Guardian's Zoë Williams, who again appeared on SKY News last night at the 1130 "Press Preview" slot along with the deeply disingenuous Right wing propaganda outlet Iain Dale and put in the more than decent share of her giggly contributions to the farcical slot, is showing signs that she is beginning to understand the errors in using the notion of "child poverty" to the exclusion of and separately from "income inequality".
Income disparity is something that the Movement that Khoodeelaar! is part of has focussed on now coming to 50 years.
The British context of income disparity has been typically additionally falsified by the institutions that cause the disparity and those whose self interest propels them to do everything to keep income disparity as a going concern in the overall "framework of the UK Economy"..
The UK Society is operated as an exploitative one by the majority of its agenda setting elements holding or controlling most levers of power.
The exploitation of the zombified by the zombifiers.
The “ethos” therefore is an unethical one, in the main.
This is why the lies of Liam Byrne can be found among “elected” “MPs” in the name of the Party that was supposedly founded to create a just society in Britain.,
Byrne is the one whose unfitness to even be in parliament should have been the first PLP topic following the latest “general election”. The PLP failed to do that. Why? Because the PLP too is controlled by the bureaucracy that has never been for justice let alone for an accountable Party in Parliament.
Instead of apologising to all the victims of involuntary impoverishment [those who are unintentionally pushed into poverty, hardship and deprivation in Britain] caused and exacerbated by the many layers of state “intervention”, the Party that was supposedly created for making Britain a just society, has decided to allow its ruling bureaucracy to en courage the same Liam Byrne to offend all decent people.
Byrne has colluded with one of his likes, Patrick Wintour on the Guardian, to incite further disaffection against the victims of injustice, denial, deprivation and lies by the UK Department t for Want and Poverty Creation [DWP].
Against Liam Byrne’s latest assault on the victims of injustice in Britain, the Guardian’s Zoë Williams makes a minor attempt to correct the lie that has been built on the shallow basis of “child poverty”.
[To be continued] By © Muhammad Haque


31 August 2006

Poverty can only be created with a weak society, as is true in inner cities

31.08.2006 17:47

That poverty can be created and maintained by the interests who want poverty so they can rule and control with a weakened and or weak society or social area is true in the UK inner cities.

Over the past half century or so, the inner cities have been used as probably the most open areas for the expedients and experiments on creating poverty.

Not just material or environmental. It has been spiritual impoverishment on a scale that would be unthinkable by anyone who has not directly lived in or at least observed the reality of poverty creation and maintenance.

I have long argued - and have been vindicated over the past more than 30 years - that the UK society has been the subject of an unnatural assault by the enemies of humane and tolerant social environments. Those have been allowed to creep into positions of state power locally and centrally without the informed participation of the population.

The 'left' in the UK is no longer politically active. What may appear to be 'Left' is not so.

Closer scrutiny will show that the majority of what sued to be aligned with the former USSR has joined the natural movement, the reactionary sections of all three so called main political parties. What remains outside of those essentially conservative and reactionary 'ex-Stalinists' is not intellectually any more rigorous than it ever was.

There is therefore the ideological poverty that has imperilled society in the inner cities.

With the abolition of what sued to be the Labour Party, Blair has proven that what remains as the ramshackle pretence to democratic organisation can be easily switched off.

There is no item on the Blair Party’s annual Coronation [this year scheduled to be staged in Manchester] agenda to recognise poverty as an issue at all. Not to speak of as even A Major issue. Far less as THEC major issue in domestic UK terms.

There never has been.

Not for almost 30 years.

What they have is a very cruel, corrupting typically Blaring set of words that jumble up poverty and hide it under other things. Those are diversions and dissemblers

They link it with CHILD poverty.

And Gordon Brown is no different from Blair on this. They are blatantly lying about poverty while busily creating new poverty and marinating the old ones.

No party or movement has shown any evidence that it recognises poverty at all as the issue to raise to a level that it deserved to be.

The problems in African and Asia have long been the problems of deliberately created poverty.

Without recognising those and linking the various chains together which enslave three big continents to virtual slavery to the Big Business and their local agencies, there is no freedom, let alone peace in the world. Not that the poor are going to cause disquiet as such. It is the poverty creators who want and need war and disquiet. A most avoidably terrifying world the poverty creators have created.

In the poverty-stricken East End of London, the role of the apparently democratically elected Tower Hamlets Council in creating poverty and in disenfranchising local community is seen in all that Council’s actions. Two are Crossrail and the destruction of Council housing and the virtual transfer of public housing stock over to batches of criminals who are now engaged in finishing off the job - driving out former council tenants off from their homes and from their communities.

Khoodeelaar! is about to start publishing the findings of our contextual investigation into the “ Tower Hopeless Council – the tool for the Blairing abolition of society in the East End “

Regionally in Greater London, we have a dud Assembly that is treated with hourly contempt by Ken Livingstone who is above any accountability whatever. He has been making his own 'mayoral contribution' to the creation of poverty on a scale that would have been unthinkable even on 30 April 1997.

In the UK House of Commons, there is no democracy. So there is no debate on anything. What appears to be like a debate turns out to be faked.

And Frank Field is , quite frankly, an ardent, almost fanatical creator of poverty.

Internationally, the UNO is correctly discredited because of its bureaucracy. But the UNO has been disabled by the very Big Business interests who want the world to remain unsafe and insecure. And shackled to poverty in strategically created locations.

© Muhammad Haque/ Khoodeelaar!/CBRUK/LAWMEDIA 2006

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