Saturday 7 January 2012

Kay Jordan's 2009 call for community-based economic policy in Tower Hamlets

Kay Jordan's 2009 call for community-based economic policy in Tower Hamlets.

What is required is a far more diverse economy that reflects the true entrepeneralskills, aspirations and economic base of the current as well as past generations
of people who have made the East End their home.

It is inexcusable and shocking that the council still has no economic strategy, no
forums at which local SME’s and micro business can air their views and does not
consider local businesses to be part of the community it has a duty to consult
even though the Government requires it to do so.

It is regrettable that big business (the East London Partnership and Canary
Wharf) play all roles in the shaping and delivery of the LSP economic delivery
programmes and no doubt in the preparation and shaping of the Core Strategy.
Local SME’s and micro business sit outside these frameworks and do what they
can to provide much needed employment for local people.

At times like this local
communities must look to their own devises and economies to survive. They
have equal rights in influencing the policies of a council which should serve them.
In Tower Hamlets the local small business community has not been consulted
about or participated in the development and shaping the Core Strategy making
the process illegal and the document unsound.

Kay Jordan MBE


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