Wednesday 25 January 2012

How LOndon's ITV news programem has been hiding the truth and peddling the CON Agenda over London: Boris painted as a model of good manners abroad!

ITV London’s broadcast edition of 1800 Hrs Tuesday 24 January 2012 promoted Boris Johnson in a positive light...

The London TV news programme reported that it was doing so because an alleged recipient of Boris Johnson’s “Englishman” abroad “good manners” as apparently witnessed in relation to an Italian family, had paid public tributes to the occupant of the Onion on the South Bank of the river Thames.
What the ITV London programme SHOULD have reported but didn’t, was the fact that Boris Johnson was a participant and openly admitted practitioner of what was and remains a massively dishonest trait. That is of being party to what can only be a paid lobbying arrangement between the offices that Boris Johnson holds with the significant influence that those offices carry and the business interests of the
London Daily Telegraph media group. .
Call it chicken feed or peanuts, the sum of £250,000.00 [or £200,000.00 if the “scholarships” he reportedly launched are taken into account] cannot be justified as being just “remuneration” for likes than 50 pieces of allegedly Boris-authored pieces for the TELEGRAPH.

It is unheard of that any “writer” for a newspaper can be paid that sum.
So outrageous is Boris’s paid links with the Daily Telegraph that many blogs have been written about this.
Including the one that is accessible via the UREL we have reproduced with this AADHIKAR Media REVIEW OF THE UK MEDIA dated 25 January 2012.
Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson's opponent at the scheduled poll on 03 May 2012, made a point of referring pejoratively to Boris’ paid links with the Telegraph Group. Livingstone made the remark at an event held in the
East End of London on Monday evening. It was noted however that no-one from the audience at the Toynbee Hall, Commercial Street London E1, really came back on that remark. .
Does that absence of a response from an audience that was got together for a “TELL KEN” performance, proof that people had given up on telling Ken Livingstone about London?
Not so on other subjects.
So why the silence on Boris’s Peanuts pavements by the Telegraph, a known factor in the “movers and shakers” for the Right wing and for Big Business in
Britain? [To be continued]

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